
It would be interesting to know which Chinese manufacturers are making the iPad 2.

@gravityhomer: Because it's waiting for the ADS to load first and they're slow.........I watch the status bar and it just sits there waiting for and the other ones to load then finally the actual F'ing website loads.

So what are some good tech sites you guys use besides the regular ones like engadget, techcrunch, slashdot? I can't stand this new gawker redesign, so buggy and horrible to use. I'm looking for alternatives.... #whitenoise

I don't see what all the fuss is over NYT putting up a paywal. I'm surprised readers of Giz are readers of the NYT as well.

I dont get it..

DropMusic? I'd prefer something like Dropbox but for music. The hassle of uploading music via Amazon's tool then logging in bla bla is a pain in the ass... If I have to click more than 1 button to upload and listen then screw it. iPod's still more convenient and easier to use.

What happened to all your music when went down? I'm guessing you had it backed up?

My back yard's perty cheap...Let's see ramen 25c, 2 boiled eggs 20c?, chopped ham 50c?, few snap pees $1? Boil in a pan for like 10min and for $2 you have lunch, that's perty cheap to me.

My wife and kids eat that stuff but I'm not much of a fan....that said adding some hardboiled eggs, snap pees, and maybe some ham would make it more tempting...also cheap.

@brendonklassen: I hear ya. Giz really needs people to spell and grammar check. Hell Gawker network as a whole.

They're nuts if they're thinking of replacing the current Kindle.

I don't trust these "Deal of the Day" everytime I check one it's never what Giz says....

Nobody wants to do this. You could just throw Ubuntu live on your iPhone storage and boot your computer from it. Nobody wants to do this either..

My friends kid stuck a fridge magnet on his LCD TV and made yellowish marks wherever he put it.

Too late...had to have my bid in a week ago. Only thing available was the iPad2 so no Xoom for me.

Dialog sure, idk I was just like stfu already and let me play the damn game! LOL So annoying. The game itself looked really cool but the other crap drove me away..

iTunes has not only created more sales for these lackey's but has made it possible for kids to buy their favorite songs who wouldn't have been able to afford to purchase CD's....hence ending up copying the music from their friends etc...

I tried to play Dragon Age but it was more like watching a movie than playing a game. All those freaking cuts scenes drove me nuts. Not only that but I felt like I was following a carefully laid path and trying to deter from that led nowhere....just got boring fast.

Opera browser has had these features for years...

I've been saying the same thing for a while now. People know that the media is bullshit but they're addicted to it. It's like a drug. Ya the economy is bad but if you're watching the news and media sites you'd think the whole world was coming to an end.