
All information media we get these days is controlled by the Ad companies. Ad companies rule the world. Just think of information media as entertainment. Radio, TV, websites, blogs.... it's all controlled by Ads and geared to sell something. Welcome to the new reality! It's all lies and half-truths.

It's already started, there really isn't much on Netflix that I'm interested in watching. I've been contemplating canceling my account. Lately it seems Netflix content is getting very thin. Hollywood puts out so much garbage there's only a couple good movies a year worth renting.

Can we just get some AirPlay speakers that plug into an existing outlet for around $50 bucks a pair? FFS!

I have an iPad and this is the first decent stand product I've seen. Nice work!


Just get your woman an iPad too and then you can tweet together while sitting next to each other and watching a show! Multi task relationships!

Xoom doesnt support flash in its current build..

Agree, good article. I could do without all the fluff bits.

Do you have a Xoom?

If iPad2 had 1GB RealAppleMagic and the retina display it would be perfect. But I do like that it's thinner and a hair lighter than the old iPad. Some kind of file management is needed to imo.

If there was a Honeycomb tablet that competed with the iPad2 besides the Xoom I'd buy it. Prefer wifi only not tied to a damn carrier! It doesnt look like anythings on the horizon unfortunately. Looks like I'm stuck with the iPad2. Maybe in another year we'll see some solid competition. iPad2 really makes the Xoom

What the hell do you do with the cover when you're reading the iPad in your hand? Throw it on the floor? Or does it stick to the back somehow? To get a black cover I have to buy the leather?? Those colors suck!

Too bad there isnt a Xoom wifi out yet. Companies making me get a tablet, I'd prefer Android 3 but there just isnt anything available yet. These companies have had a year to play catch up and they still can't compete with Apple....very sad. Pure laziness.... it's not a wonder the economy sucks, sheer lack of

Two words why this wont work. Battery Life

I'm sure there are plenty of private schools he could send his kids to if he's worried about public education.

"Currently unavailable." - Amazon...

.29% of gmail servers crapped out.....wonder how many server farms that's equal to

engadget has a nice video that demonstrates thunderbolt's prowess - []

I suspect we won't ever see Jobs back on stage, sadly..

Tried setting this up before, huge pain and never worked right. Maybe its better now..