
iOS while simple is just a desktop with icons. The iPad is good because of the sheer number of Apps that transform it into something else. Without Apps the iPad does nothing. iOS needs some updates to make it more tablet friendly for sure. But I'm not willing to sacrifice 10hrs battery life for very much. I'm lucky to

The Xoom and Touchpad are going the phone carrier route because they can't even compete in the $500 wifi only range. They're just too late to the game. Apple's got that locked down.

Oh ya definitely. Nokia is a huge boon to WP7. They'll legitimize the Windows Phone. They need to beef up that app store though and provide something innovative to make people jump on board.

The App stores and iPad seem to be pretty popular. Currently they're the driving force behind both these markets.

Motorola makes the Xoom hardware and gets Android software for free yet they want even more $$$ than a comparable iPad? WTF!?

If you think about it....

I know Giz is little more than a headline blog anymore....I miss the old Giz tech blog.

To have all your peripherals, phones, computers, tablets all able to touch sync and communicate together?

I dig the keyboard and the pictures app is way better than the iPad's...the number keys alone omg...hello Apple!

format the sucker and reinstall the os, macs get bitrot too

Supposedly they're bumping the iPad to 512MB......which is still lame, it ought to be 1GB and bump the storage memory to 32GB for the base model.

Coming to PC's......That's some crazy shit right there! Go HP!

Price? Battery life? Wifi only? WTF I must have missed it?

[] - Touchpad site is live. "Planned availability this summer."


So Giz doesnt do press events anymore? Or have they been universally banned since the iphone scandal?

WTF Dell is so lame...

Can't wait! Just imagine the rads this thing pushes out. I mean you're brain will literally turn to mush in 2.5sec!

I suspect most of us will not even notice the change from IPv4 to 6. ISP's will most likely have to convert their outside internet connections to IPv6 which probably involves a firmware upgrade but everything on the inside will remain IPv4 for a very long time.

10 million....nice math, makes for a splashy title though I guess..