
That is a pretty fatuous line of arguing... The SALT deduction bones all property owners, but the relative effects are actually worse on the middle class. if you own a modest home in the boston area, say its worth 650, but your taxes are high and the SALT is 12 k. If you’re making 80k, you’re now getting taxed on the

that is ludicrous!

that sign is the best thing i’ve seen since this one:

a coworker of mine grew up in pittsburgh. after 10 years of knowing him, the only story i’ve heard of his youth involved going to a dog track in fucking west virginia.

why not go the full TWD and go for 20 seasons and 18 spinoffs?

he’s a foot ahead of his competition when it comes to handling these jokes. 


way to suck the schadenfreude right out of this post with that last email, Drew

lol. if you’re primarily using your delts when you bench then you’re doing it quite wrong. 

please, don’t bench without safety clips on the bar. if the weights on the bar shift mid rep because they aren’t secure, you’re looking at a potentially terrible injury to your wrist, elbow or shoulder (or all three if you’re really unlucky). This is particularly important at corporate gyms with less than stellar


dude is crying hard because his daddy hated the Godfather and publicly railed against it, claiming it showed italian americans in a negative light. “Fredo” is not even in the top 200 for names that would offend me as an italian american, and not a single one of them that would offend me carry the same weight as an

they don’t need to offer matching. a bare minimum an employer offered 401k is a nice benefit because it is pre-tax and the management costs are shared and should be lower than one would see for an individual managed investment account.

re: farts - never, ever, ever assume one is going to be silent.

Part 2 has some funnier lines, but i think part 1 is better overall. both are brilliant though - “at least we’re not detroit!”

we sure that irsay wasn’t just referring to an oxy pill as a small little bone?

Now playing

my annual contribution to the browns WYTS:

get rid of the hair and he’s really starting to look like admiral ackbar.