
longtime cycling instructor here. The Peloton app/platform is, actually, pretty great. I did not have high hopes, but I joined during COVID and was shocked at how much I liked it. Plenty of variety not just in cycling, but other workouts, and they do have a good mix of instructor styles/personalities. I got way into

In San Francisco, we had to increase the fines for this stuff to something like $1,000+ per tree because businesses kept hiring “arborists” who would prune the trees to death and go, “Oh, I didn’t know this would hurt them,” because they wanted to get the tree out and away from their sign.

I have this image in my head of DeSantis crowing “WOKE WOKE WOKE! WOKE WOKE WOKE!” in the style of GOB’s chicken dance from Arrested Development.

Florida Republicans: “well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.”


He’s now demonstrating why it’s a great idea to have a team that manages the CEO.  They filter out the idiocy before it reaches the public.

Not sure if you were reading the discussion or just wanted to let me know what a blobfish looks like before it’s killed on the surface. This isn’t about blobfish evolution, but an argument being made that the water pressure is like putting an anvil on your back. It’s not like that at all. Hence the reason the blobfish

Even a mile down there’s all manner of sea life that is happy to consume whatever organic material comes their way, and they probably literally can’t tell the difference between a dead whale, a dead fish, and a dead billionaire.  Oceanic scavengers got there way before the coast guard did.

The conspiracy minds out here are amazing. It’s crazy how fast people make up their own cannon for what happened because they simply cannot believe the truth

You personally? Probably about $5

How do you think fish survive at those depths? Ditto to that, the actual wreckage of the Titanic itself that just survives down there just fine. An implosion is not like an explosion. And once the pressures are equalized, the damage stops.
Think about it like this. If you jump in a pool and sit on the bottom of the

A hard, yet perfect sear of a burn comment here.

do you think water pressure squeezes everything in the water into a small ball?

You know who else really felt it in their bones...

The OceanGate CEO definitely isn’t going to listen now.

Only if you have the attention span of a gnat OD’d on Adderall.

Because I googled all their names and I quickly found results of them associating their hateful beliefs with their religious beliefs. They’re self-proclaimed and proud.

I hereby challenge all conservative patriots to protest woke culture by sleeping through the next election day!

Please Universe, remove this man from this time line.

These excerpts were, undeniably, embarrassing—at one point, a testifying Green pointed to her “Frenchness” as a reason for some of the nastier invective