its the face of a guy who just received 3/4 of a hand job before the giver lost interest and went home.
its the face of a guy who just received 3/4 of a hand job before the giver lost interest and went home.
Pet peeve: “Technically” instead of “literally” - I have a coworker who uses “technically” in all the instances where a moron tends to overuse “literally.”
people watched this beyond the first episode? the wonders never cease.
whoa whoa whoa, hold the fuck up.
JLD is a god damned national treasure.
the arbitrary threshold that was essentially set by pulling a number out of a hat? that one. sounds logical.
oh for fuck’s sake. just let her run.
i was visiting at the time. i also learned on that trip that public urination is such a problem that its causing significant damage by degrading metal structures (bridges, light posts, etc)
absolutely. i once saw a guy drop his pants and take a shit, in broad daylight, on a very busy street in San Francisco’s financial district. Nobody seemed to think this was weird. Except for me. I, unfortunately, made eye contact with the shitter, and i’ve been scarred ever since.
i bet a lot of celebs do their own laundry so they don’t have to deal with the help, whom they are certainly underpaying, from selling their dirty undies on ebay. you know some weirdo would totally be down to buy the rocks sweaty compression shorts or gal gadot’s thong.
i think it says this somewhere in the constitution, or maybe it was the old testament, but if someone is curling in the squat rack then you’re allowed to unrack their weights and set up for squats without engaging them in any sort of conversation.
true story: the only time i was a hero playing baseball as a kid was when i drove in the winning run after being beaned with the bases loaded. it was the most meaningful RBI of my brief years in little league.
hey, to be fair, getting sacked is way higher in the play rotation than 8th...
The Sopranos and Breaking Bad. BB was flawless and will forever be the standard bearer. The Sopranos - i realize that will be a controversial one, but i actually loved the ending.
try suitcase deadlifts. they are super effective (but note: go very light to start!)
a Bill hasn’t done this much damage since OJ visited his ex wife.