that’s his hot dog eatin’ room.
that’s his hot dog eatin’ room.
a quote from my grandfather, a lifelong republican and WW2 navy vet, about vietnam, after he had about 4 gin and tonics and was more than a little drunk:
are you one of those weirdos who won’t eat cold pizza? cold leftover pizza is infinitely better than leftover fried chicken.
if its not Sicilian, it shouldn’t be cut into squares. end of discussion.
i mean, they could have referenced her exposure in the fappening by calling her the designated “ass(hole) show-er”, so this is somehow not the lowest they could’ve gone?
so did Jay Cutler!
GO BACK TO YOUR... (checks notes)... COUNTRY!
they may like it for that reason, but it really has to hurt to put 100 million in an account they can’t profit from via investments... but then again, the mets thought their investments would cover Bonilla, and look how well that turned out for everyone EXCEPT Bobby Bonilla (and his agent)
arizona’s biggest free agent pick up was getting the deconstructed london bridge to put up at lake havisu, aka the big puddle of herpes water. i wish we could convince mexico to take Arizona back from us. If that happened i’d imagine all the MAGA chuds would explode a la the dude from scanners.
That’s what Fred Rogers wanted you to believe. Dude was the fuckin’ terminator.
pretty sure that is the combination that sets off tri-state killing sprees.
thats cool, dude. mcconnell and rand paul definitely bone blood relatives though.
Word up, Thome!
in my anecdote, i think my friend would gleefully tell his dad to force his parents to get divorced. they had probably the most unhealthy marriage i’ve ever seen and the emotional toll it took on their kids was awful. in reality, his mom found out and didn’t divorce him. i think she took it as another thing to torment…
didn’t want to get too personal, but what the fuck:
Yeah, that can’t be right. Fortunately, I can’t speak from experience, but a friend of mine caught his dad boning his secretary. his reaction upon telling me about the incident was: “i get it, my mom SUCKS”
Ah, so because you subjectively like the music he has made, you believe him to NOT be an asshole.
why would some sister fucker from kentucky vote to help COASTAL LIBERAL ELITES in nyc? these monsters are the worst.