
My friends who went there are a mix of asians, male and female, and atheists/agnostics (male, female, white and latino) - they loved the education they received, but found social aspects of the school to very toxic.

I have yet to meet a Brandeis alum who was a minority (relative to the make up of the school) who had a positive experience while a student. The environment there is pretty toxic.

with any luck the season will just be vinny clowning on them for not being able to calculate a tip at dinner in their heads.

+1 for a sherman merman nod “is it because you went to the bathroom on mommy’s dishes??”

the league is acting so unconscionably on these issues. dementia/ alzheimers and ALS are all brutal afflictions that can bankrupt families who are trying to care for their affected loved ones. my father had ALS related to his service in vietnam, and fortunately the VA was great and immediately started helping my mom


everyone should check out the 600 lbs deadlift competition from this weekend. Two guys, Steve Johnson & Rob Hall, went rep for rep for over an hour. Rob Hall won with 65 reps. Steve Johnson’s palms literally ripped off.

is it really a spoiler when it was foreshadowed for all of last (half?) season? and that his death was absolutely guaranteed at the end of that (half?) season? people have had like 4 months to gloat about the imminent death of this crappy character. shit, i think even the pope was tweeting about how excited he was for

right or wrong, the banking and finance industry is beholden to rules set forth by the government. blaming a tool of capitalism for being greedy is as productive as blaming the ocean for being wet.

the following people should be instantly banished to a desert island:

i don’t know any trevors, so it probably wasn’t me.

that’d be pretty weird. what is your friend’s gender and first name? haha

literally everything about this is either heart breaking or infuriating. good fucking god. why can’t this country get its shit together?

met him at JFK a few years ago. I’m 6'4" and hover around 265, and he made me look like a little kid in the picture we took together.

glenn? LOL. its gaten matarazzo

st lucia nearly denied my wife and I entry for our honeymoon because my wife’s passport was expiring in 3 months. We were held in a little room being interrogated for over an hour. Well, i should say I was being interrogated, since the guy refused to listen to anything my wife had to say. eventually they let us in,

to quote metallica: “SAD BUT TRUE” - i was a little heartbroken when she spoke at the RNC a few years back.

the abby/jack, ed/lennie years were the best for the greater L&O universe. how i miss jerry orbach.

current rumor floating aroung boston is that he missed the flight to MN and then was caught smoking weed in his room on Saturday night.