
and what was your last interest rate on a loan?

terrible advice.

your advice is bad.

Here is a comprehensive list:

I know others have more importance, but Papelbon choking a teammate/arguably best player in the game in the dugout and the takes defending it that followed are fucking legendary.

A true professional, Austin. Didn’t break kayfabe when given the opportunity to ACTUALLY beat the shit out of a guy.

Isn’t Mike Tyson a practicing Muslim?

+1 HBO Series killer

Bah gawd, King! With God as my witness, Steiner broke that pierogi right in half!

can someone please splice from good ol’ JR sound bites over this?

Scott Steiner’s number is 69, which I’m only assuming he chose because “HGH” isn’t a number.

Yinzer sex: pound a pierogi before you finish.

My method is usually BBQ or bake up some chicken with various seasoning on Sunday evening. Throw some quinoa in the rice cooker with your stock of choice, some spices of your choice, and as much spinach as you can cram in. Eat quinoa and chicken the rest of the week. Vary it up by occasionally making it a rice bowl

So Ben Roethlisberger didn’t explicitly say no, and Donald Trump took that as a yes? Interesting…

It’s okay, squirt. You’re a Yankees fan. Wait a couple of days and something good will happen to you.

Why are we so quick to dismiss Pete's perspective on this? He's in as good a position as anyone to talk about disasters involving Jets.

Yeah, Rey was great....I threw him into the side of a building once, kind of like a lawn dart!