
It blows my mind that people take him seriously. About anything.

UGH when I worked at Borders those people were the WORST. Would just lunge in front of whoever I was waiting on, literally throw quarters at me, then run off. Bitch, there are newspaper boxes on every other corner if you cannot wait your turn like an adult.

My favorite was ignoring people who were talking on their phone and ordering. Is just ignore them until they got off the phone, and if they were mad, I’d say “Oh, sorry, I thought you were just talking on the phone.”

Exactly. And shitburgs like that will always be the first to complain if a restaurant doesn’t have enough servers to ensure that they get the best service that they want...and yet, if everyone was “doing what they would rather be doing” and had “real jobs”, there would *be* no service. (Note that this is also my

<Rant> While I understand people under 21 cannot purchase alcohol, the argument of it being a safety issue with regard to direct wine shipments is ... is it a straw man? A red herring? Whatever it is, it’s bullshit. No person under the age of 21 is joining wine clubs or buying wine mail-order, waiting the 5-7 days for

Well, I don’t know, she’s just waitressing in a restaurant.

Pinkham’s Law bringing out burner lawyers. This is amazing.

And 18% honey badger.

Trump is part 3 year old in tantrums, part 13 year old in immature comments, part 60 something in body. What an interesting combination of a person.

PEOPLE WHO INTERRUPT THE CASHIER WHO’S DEALING WITH SOMEONE ELSE, EVEN IF IT’S TO ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION, ARE GARBAGE PEOPLE AND SHOULD ALL FALL DOWN, REPEATEDLY!!!! (sorry, this Monday is having a case of the Mondays and I’m being a grumpy-face and that was something I HATED. I mean HATED!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!one!!!



I don’t wear costumes for the same reason I don’t wear makeup, don’t bother with fancy hairstyles, and mostly wear t-shirts and jeans/yoga pants: because when it comes to physical appearance, I’m lazy as all hell.

Hey Anna, this is not a criticism aimed at you, but at the next staff meeting maybe suggest that the site tweak the algorithm so that these sexually suggestive images don’t pop up under a serious story that’s (ostensibly) about the harassment and objectification of women?

CNN is reporting that Owen Labrie’s parents begged the judge for no time, saying that losing his Harvard acceptance was punishment enough. If you ever want to see how this level of entitlement, assholeness and shittery happens, look no further than the parents. I wish them the worst.

I'm clearly on a misunderstanding roll, because I read that as, "The Greek scene at Miami is ridiculous, especially the FARTS..." and thought my head had exploded for a minute. However in that moment equating FRATS = FARTS made perfect sense in my slow motion exploding head.

he joined a fraternity (which is basically the bro equivalent of a menarche)

"Look at Me" wins, hands down. This was me at the end:

Holy. Shit. "Look at Me" was so scary I realized at the end I was sitting with my hands covering my mouth, feeling like I was about to hurl. And I'm sitting in a lit office, with my coworkers benignly chatting nearby,