“And today, bad shit happened with that one party; but the other party did things that were much less concerning.”
“And today, bad shit happened with that one party; but the other party did things that were much less concerning.”
All you need to know about purity rings you can learn from serial adulterer and all around sin-sational guy Donald Trump, and his comically high approval rating with the morally “superior” Talibangelicals.
i am 100% with you. no other shooter can do what this game does. i think the problem might be its difficult to learn at first. so people dont want to take the time to learn it when they can just play the same shitty cod theyve been playing for years.
i am 100% with you. no other shooter can do what this game does. i think the problem might be its difficult to learn…
Where else can I wall run, jet pack jump, sling shot myself across a map with a grappling hook, land on top of giant robot, pull its battery out, call down my own giant robot from the sky, eject in blaze of glory.
Where else can I wall run, jet pack jump, sling shot myself across a map with a grappling hook, land on top of…
Agreed! The multiplayer in this game has ruined me for any other MP shooter. It’s a shame this game wasn’t more commercially successful. It was innovative, had a great SP campaign, and all the DLC was free! What more could you want!
Agreed! The multiplayer in this game has ruined me for any other MP shooter. It’s a shame this game wasn’t more…
A very good and highly underrated shooter. Totally worth the $8
A very good and highly underrated shooter. Totally worth the $8
I really think the release date hurt it. It could have done well with a spring or summer release. Instead it got sandwiched between Battlefield 1 and CoD. There aren’t many game franchises that can come away from that sort of release window unscathed. GTA is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.
I really think the release date hurt it. It could have done well with a spring or summer release. Instead it got…
I bounced off of titanfall 1 pretty quick but titanfall 2 is incredibly good. There was a solid 3-4 months where i would play it for an hour or so a day. It’s one of those games where you’re already having fun moving around shooting stuff and calling in your giant robot. If you stick with it, you get to the point…
I bounced off of titanfall 1 pretty quick but titanfall 2 is incredibly good. There was a solid 3-4 months where i…
Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it didn’t sell well.
Everything you just said+an amazing campaign makes this one of the best FPS in nearly a decade. And...of COURSE it…
It was marketed really poorly, and as others have pointed out the release date was problematic. I agree that it’s a tragedy. More people should definitely play this, it’s one of the better imagined multiplayer shooters out there.
It was marketed really poorly, and as others have pointed out the release date was problematic. I agree that it’s a…
No, that is the leprechaun.
Rome was a bigger kick in the pants to a bunch of Brit actors careers than....LOR? That Mars movie...uh John Carter?
I remember watching the Medieval walking video with a lot of skepticism.
...uneducated arrogance of the anti-theists.
“More diversity in the fields of mythology, religion, and spirituality can only be a positive.”
This is a retcon came out well after the first movie. The original design directive was to kind make it look like a hamburger with a bite missing.
Sobek. I know that for nerd reasons and not any particular knowledge of Egyptian deities. Thanks Wild Cards.
:-/ Thats disgusting. Bigoted views or not, thats not how to handle the situation where you think someone is wrong.