King Hat

1. How original.

“Gravity is a harness,” Sigma says in the trailer. “I have harnessed the harness.”

“the BEST $5 billion taxpayers EVER spent!”

Graphics and physics aside I am hoping to see some new games and IPs that are able to truly add innovation to the gaming world. This gen has had some great games, some all time classics, but for the most part the games have just been improvements on what we got last gen. Bigger worlds, better graphics, more

While all these games were good, or at least competent, they’re also kind of samey. There’s a lot of big maps you unlock by climbing towers, a lot of open worlds, and a lot of action adventures.”

I give them credit for completely ignoring how nuclear bombs work and making the world more like Annihilation and less like the World On Fire it actually would be.

Honestly this movie sounds like the kind of movie people watch to justify to themselves why they still talk to their Trump supporting relative.

It says you are a human who can observe other humans and tell which ones are not viable mates.    

What does it say about me that I’m perfectly willing to accept real-life videogame fights and superpowered vegans, but I can’t suspend my disbelief enough to believe that multiple beautiful women would be throwing themselves at Michael Fucking Cera?

In the eyes of God we’re all legendary.

So are Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael considered legendaires?
Also since its saints + biblical figures does that mean you can capture Jacob? Can you even capture Jacob, I mean the dude beat God in a title wrestling match.

Does Jacob have weird catch conditions? Can Noah run away? Is St. Joan a fire type? Is St. Patrick

She looks really young for Yen but I’m also biased because of the game.

Counterpoint: Fall damage, while sometimes annoying, is often fine. Would Breath of the Wild be better if you could just jump or fall off of anything without ever taking damage? It would not.

Of course, but since they also seem to be saying it is ok for men to assault women in the same breath, I don’t think they really care about the daughters that much.:(

Agree I’ve definitely played worse stealth levels and the grand central sequence was actually pretty good but all the others i ended up rolling my eyes the same way i did with the programming puzzle mini games. Just felt like there were a few too many of each.

Perhaps: not everyone thinks he’s a good musician/good singer, which can make his career success seem somewhat disproportionate to his talent?

AC3 is the only game in the series I bothered finishing. I’ve never heard anyone accuse it of being the one where it “went off the rails.”What does that even mean with a series like this?

Agreed, ACIII does not deserve the hate it gets. It did have a slower start, but it was a great game, especially if you’re an AC fan.

As a big fan of the series, going to have to disagree. I loved AC3, played long enough to get all of the achievements.

I dont know, AC3 was the game that got me interested in AC in the first place. If you ask me, the whole AC2 series is overrated (I can feel my best friend wanting to throw daggers at me right now).