King Hat


Dang it, I keep waiting for them to release the super-deluxo-everything-included-version-for-cheap so I can finally buy it but they keep adding new stuff! Truly it is a battle of the wills that they don’t know they’re involved in

you know, I can draw quite well but I’ll never be clever enough to be an illustrator for these sites. I would’ve just drawn a hand jerking a dick, that’s why I don’t get paid the big bucks... :(

“thundercunt” sounds too cool to be an insult. Maybe blundercunt?

That’s a tough call, I get where you’re coming from, but the Imperial March is an extremely badass piece of music that connotes power. I would prefer whatever that music is from Curb Your Enthusiasm, Yakkity Sax, or maybe even just a track of children singing the Alphabet song.

MS-13 Sharks operating on the orders of the deep(sea) state!

- Time to get higher than Mt. Olympus

Well, keep in mind I’ve been playing it on PS4, I think for whatever reason on PlayStation the racist 12 year old phenomenon is not nearly as prevalent as it seems to be elsewhere. I know on past consoles the popular theory was the x-box 360 came with a headset and the playstation 3 didn’t, so you had to buy a headset

Well, keep in mind I’ve been playing it on PS4, I think for whatever reason on PlayStation the racist 12 year old

It’s really frustrating to hear this game didn’t catch on as everyone I know who has actually played it loves it. I honestly think it may have ruined all other online shooters for me. Where else can I wall run, jet pack jump, sling shot myself across a map with a grappling hook, land on top of giant robot, pull its

It’s really frustrating to hear this game didn’t catch on as everyone I know who has actually played it loves it. I

Caesar and Brutus back together again!

All of them together? In one place? In such close proximity?
God, I don’t pray to you b/c I don’t believe in you, but if you want to show me you’re real, please please drop a meteor on that bed and I will be like Saul on the road to Damascus.

Kinda curious to know what this means. My interpretation is, paid poorly, so he was not interested? But then surely Marvel can afford to pay a writer well, right? So thenwhat is the “chance” being taken in relation to how people get paid?

“Get rid” of the Electoral College? I prefer “destroy”, “destroy” more accurately conveys the disdain with which I would...well...destroy it.

Of course if you are feeling petty, there’s always “the best revenge is living well” With this quote, you can also consciously choose to focus on yourself and forget what others have going the name of checking back in on them much much later when you’re king/queen of fuckoff-mountain and they still suck.

Yes, as someone who did not have an N64 but did have a playstation 2, I so wanted Racers Revenge to be my chance at long last to get in on the podracing glory but it was obvious from the start it was the inferior racing game. Everything looked muddy and more importantly for whatever reason it just did not have nearly

Been having a very similar thought lately: If all the liberals left the US so that nothing but right-wingers remained, I think they’d all be pretty depressed. They don’t seem to care what happens to themselves or the country as longs as they get to say “haha take that liberals!” Without someone to distract them from

holy shit that’s awesome

I heard high turnover rate is a sign of a badly run business. Could it be the president’s reputation as a savvy businessman is not true???

No, the basement of the White House is used for storing grain, everyone knows this

I didn’t know he even had a mother, I always assumed his species reproduced like a kind of fungus