King Hat

This reminds me Nickelodeon Arcade, where the kid contestants would be “inside” the video game (via the magic of a green screen I guess), I’m sure it was harder than it looked but everyone seemed to suck at it

Egypt, you used to be cool. Say what you will about polytheism, I bet crocodile-head guy didn’t give a shit about how people ate fruit.

Oh I don’t think your opinion is as unpopular as you might believe. I think a lot of people feel the authentic hippy-ness of it has been replaced by yuppy-ness, although it sounds like even at it’s most authentic hippy-ness, it probably still would not have been my thing

Came here to say the same thing. Loved playing it again on PS3, but good god I forgot how insufferable the cut scenes can get after not very long. Unskippable/dialogue cut scenes is a mortal sin in my book.

I’m not on twitter and I suppose the only time I hear about it is in the news when something shitty happens so my perspective is skewed I suppose, I guess it’s like a knife that can cut both ways, but I cannot help but think maybe we’d all be better off if it didn’t exist.

“Daddy need his thinking music!”

Agreed, Frozen was thoroughly just “meh” to me, granted I’m a grown-ass man but I like to think I can still appreciate good children’s movies. I think non-children who went crazy for it were mostly riding a nostalgia-high b/c it was like a “classic” Disney princess movie complete with “traditional” western Europe

that does remind me of the 5th element, I believe someone spied on someone using a remote control roach

This is how Respawn handled things in Titanfall 2, in addition to this all maps that were added after release were free. It was because of this generosity and bullshit-free approach that I gladly bought skins and paint jobs to support them. I might not normally spend money on that stuff b/c sometimes I honestly feel a

Yeah, I suppose b/c I grew up in a time when the original trilogy was long out of theaters and the prequels were just a rumor on the horizon I have this idea Star Wars is somehow more special and legendary than your average franchise and routinely pumping one out once a year cheapens it for me a bit.

Nice! Yeah maybe a prosthetic chin could work?

If they were open to non-Asian actors I could see Dave Bautista with a nice mustache working well.

Journey has become my default “palette cleanser” for when I’ve just finished playing something dark or stressful like The Last of Us  

And the guy that did the janitor’s voice would go on to play the janitor in Scrubs! Several voice actors on Clone High ended up on Scrubs, oddly enough

exactly what I was thinking of! It’s just so bizarre, and again I wonder about the women on the other end, where are their bullshit detectors??

would also say the premise of that level is basically a lot of prince of persia’s bread and butter, fast-paced flashing between eras to clear obstacles

I have sometimes wondered out of morbid curiosity if we could convince trump supporters it was Obama’s idea that fire should be put out with water, how long before they insisted fire trucks spray gasoline instead

Is that Carl Pilkington? I didn’t know he could be so emphatic, he only ever seems slightly perplexed

Oh I’ve always thought the people who voted for him deserve to have him as their president, it just sucks the rest of us have to suffer along side them

When it came out it seemed to be pretty explicitly announced as an xbox exclusive I believe. But on a long enough timeline I suppose anything could migrate it’s way over. Okami was a Ps2 exclusive, then it got on the Wii, and now nearly a decade later I believe it may soon be available anywhere so you never know, but