King Hat

Don’t you recall all those wars and persecutions throughout the ages that were about porn? Wait...was it porn or religion? I forget.

makes me realize the Uncharted series showed us how Drake and Sully met, but what about his first time snapping a neck?

To be clear they show the aftermath,  people are gathered around nibbling on some red fleshy stuff. That is grizzly to be sure, but you don’t actually see a baby get torn apart, it’s still hard to watch.

“Liquids with a basic pH tend to be slippery. Acidic solutions usually aren’t”
Right, acid is more like Xenomorph blood/drool. It really sticks between your fingers before it burns said fingers off

Also Due North: “I hate slavery!!!”

The real winner of last night’s episode was the creepy old man who got a nice Issa-scented blanket.

How nice to have Ciri at your little reunion, too bad she DIED ON MY VERY FIRST PLAY THROUGH YOU BASTARDS! I was only trying to do what was best and you punished me for it! Now Geralt drinks alone in his manor with nothing but goddamn Dandelion for company.

but do these lads have what it takes to go down in history?

Art history nerds: Who’s that statue of on the far right? Eve? Looks like a lady covered in her own hair I guess?

obviously at some point in the future humans cloned dinosaurs vis a vis Jurassic Park. As society collapsed maintaining and caring for the dinosaurs was no longer a priority so they were left to fend for themselves and as time went on life uh, found a way. Later ground dwelling humans would go on to domesticate the

I didn’t come up with this theory I’m just relating what I’ve heard but it wouldn’t surprise me if there is a huge bitter schism within the Jetson fandom over whether or not that cross over is cannon

Well, some fan theories posit the Jetsons and the Flintsones occur at the same time, and that the Jetsons live above a civilization bombed back to the stone age, so it’s not all bright-eyed optimism.

Wait, but I thought that was Captain Basch?

Is it just me or does the Hades’ Japanese voice actor  still sound like James Woods???

“then the titan stepped on me” How most of my titanfall stories end

I wish Eddy Gordo would say “BRAZIL!” every time he kicked you

And now I knoooooooooooow the only compass that I neeeeeeeeeeeed Is the one that leads back to yooooooouuuuu *sniffle
Favorite rockstar game, favorite rockstar game soundtrack

Ah yes, at the peak of my love for all things Star Wars, and the peak of my ignorance for what a fighting game should feel like, I adored this game. I pissed my sister off so many times playing as Han Solo, pistol-whipping her character so they went limp opening them up to at least two more cheap shots. Then she

well put, seems to be the same way with ISIS, they apparently despise “apostate” Muslims more than Christians, or so I’ve read

God of War IV: Castlevania Lords of Dante’s Inferno!