thanks for the recommendation, been meaning to check those out
Hahah, yep! Just started listening to them, I like it a lot so far
Funny, I was listening to a podcast not long ago on which Alyssa was a guest and thought she had a very Mindy Kaling-esque cadence to her voice
Some of the headgear in this game got just a little too elaborate for me at times. I fully expect in the squeal for someone to walk around with a dead storm bird perched on their head
I recall the shadows of foliage being better in Far Cry 2 than subsequent entries which is odd. When you’d save at a safe house it would do this outside shot time lapse effect, and you could see all the shadows move in relation the sun. And if there was a breeze blowing in the jungle you could see all the shadows…
Who is this for?
Yes exactly, you know guys like this fret over secret sharia encroachment, but they somehow miss their ideal treatment of women is pretty much the same fucking thing.
Somewhat related, it made me think of this little anecdote form roman history where the emperor Trajan is instructing one of his governors on how to deal with the growing Christianity problem, mainly how to identify them: “But anonymously posted accusations ought to have no place in any prosecution. For this is both a…
Maybe Titanfall “killed” it?
Also: If you find yourself trying to out-fly a mass relay shockwave while traveling through the mass relay, just type faster and your ship will fly faster!
This is the first thing I though of! I assumed he just said “Cambodian” to add a little exotic flair to his joke and make it even funnier, like oh you can’t just get this from any old neighborhood, I didn’t realize this was a real thing
Ha thanks but I think I may almost have my answer just now. the story has progressed such that I’ve acquired some data in my “notes” that basically affirm what you’ve said and I think I can kinda guess how there are jungles
When I see the desertsous regions in game or the concept art here of the ruins of what looks like a small town my hunch is you’re in the U.S. BUT, then there’s also lush jungle regions which could put you closer to Mexico I guess? I know it’s just fantasy so it’s probably not supposed to be anywhere in particular. …
What say you, fuzzy britches?
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More often than not this illustrative style resonates with me far more than the photo-realistic style most of the art we see on here is done in, though I admire both
Born-again eh? Well I hope him and Jesus get plenty of time to get to know each other behind bars, away from all the sinful distractions of the world.