King Geedorah

I try to avoid the result as I watch every game via VOD and it’s kind of a pain to have to avoid Kotaku until I’ve managed to see every game if the spoiler is going to be in the title.

Doesn’t it basically boil down to him being videogames’ first true auteur? I can’t think of anyone else out there with such a distinctive voice. It shines out of everything he touches. Even when he’s less involved in something, like Zone of the Enders or Portable Ops, you can almost pick out which parts were his

It’s part of what makes him so interesting. He does shit like SHE BREATHES THROUGH HER SKIN but then he went and secretly gave away the twist in MGS5 during the pre-title screen opening cutscene with a song choice.

Wow, powerful, if also just a bit too personal. But Kojima does deserve all that praise, and I’m excited for him to be at a place where he can do his thing. Regardless of how you rate his games, his passion is undeniable.

I’m not crying it’s just been raining on my face and if you think you see some tear tracks down my cheeks please please, don’t tell my mates.
I’m not crying
I’ve just been cutting onions
I’m making a lasagna

Clearly, the baby has a finished copy of Silent Hills stored in its mind, which GdT is attempting to smuggle away from Konami, who has hired Mads to kill him.

Essentially, the reason it's okay for Goat Simulator to be glitchy is because the inherent charm of the game is that it's a bit fucked up. there's nothing game-breaking, but a lot of the fun is in the insane physics of everything. The glitches in Goat Simulator seem to be mostly cosmetic, in that they feel like they