King Geedorah

Like seriously as someone involved in e-sports on a professional level STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT SPORTS. That goes from everything from production to how it’s written about. There’s a reason DotA blows out League in western viewership numbers and it’s because League is trying too hard to be like ESPN.

e-sports are not sports.

Sports are nerdy as fuck too dude the difference is the vocal minority in sports are a bunch of overweight drunk people who dress up like its an anime convention.

More people care about e-sports than they did about the World Series this year though? And not just any world series but one of the greatest World Series of all time.

Why does Kotaku feel that e-sports shouldn’t be protected from spoilers? Like why was it so important to post who won in the facebook post? This was on at 4:00 AM and there are many ways to watch after the fact but you insist on putting the winner in the title. I just don’t get it. Who would it hurt to not spoil it

I loved Ace Combat 04. I used to play it on ps2 without a memory card so like a dumb kid I’d leave it on all the time. Still works shockingly. Surprisingly good story for a flight combat game.

I understand your frustration because most of the time Kotaku doesn’t bother with competitive dota but cover League worlds every day its going on. At the end of they day though, League is much more popular in North America just as I’m sure DotA is more popular than Street Fighter. Million dollar prize pools don’t hurt

One simple reason: The ability to play competitive with the click of a button. Was so much hassle to find a “scrim” back in the day on source. Eventually private PUG servers like warlords came around but you wouldn’t be separated by skill and it would just generally be a one sided affair. Pubs just aren’t as fun as a

Congratulations you have a minority opinion?

When I talk about Kojima’s cinematic masterpiece, more than anything, I’m talking about his cinematography or they way he “films” his cut scenes. He’s clearly got style, he knows what a good shot looks like, and he really brought this to video games before anyone else did. His long, single shot cut scenes stand out

Of course not, but its obviously a lot easier to celebrate the one man who brought it all together. This was just an opportunity for the industry to honor a man who has brought so much to video games.

My penis gets kinda tingly...

Here are four articles from Kotaku speculating about the Phantom Pain in order of publication date (earliest to latest):

Yep, just like a Tom Clancy book or something of the like. Not for everyone but definitely far from bad. Metal Gear is just as much about the ideas as it is anything else.

Honestly though, while maybe immature, I think it’s pretty outrageous how upset people got about that in a game where you can slit peoples throats on command. I mean it’s a game where ***************SPOILERS************************

Err let me rephrase. I want to know why there is so much emphasis put on the rainbow being upside down. I’m not confused about reflection properties.

Hey man, she has to breathe through her skin because her lungs got fried. ITS ALL BACKED BY PERFECTLY REASONABLE SCIENCE. She drinks through her skin too. I’m not sure what that has to do with her lungs but hey if that’s how she is that’s just how she is man. It would be wrong to ask her to wear clothes. Selfish even.

I just want to know why the rainbow is right-side up in the puddle and upside down in the sky.

This is just classic Kojima lately. I remember the first couple Phantom Pain trailers being just as vague. In fact as I remember the first trailer was just advertised as, “The Phantom Pain” with no association to Metal Gear or even Kojima himself. I’m sure this all translates to a game somehow... right? Maybe?

Yeah dude I totally get it, he seems like a real chill dude outside of his youtube personality.