
@Kirkaiya: The E7 will be about $500 one month after its release. HTC is Saudi Arabia is too expensive. The HD2 was $800 on launch. The HD Mini is $500! The Acer Liquid is only $400. The Samsung Wave is even less! The Nokia has a Clear Black display, a dedicated graphics chip, and Symbian does have a lot of useful

WTF! This is why I've never bought an HTC device. When unlocked, they are RIP-OFFs when compared to their competitors. No thank you HTC, I'll buy an E7.

@dcdttu: They are far from being kissing cousins. "Therefore, UMTS is sometimes marketed as 3GSM, emphasizing the close relationship with GSM and differentiating it from competing technologies." and "The name UMTS, introduced by ETSI, is usually used in Europe. Outside of Europe, the system is also known by other

@Bugarim: What's wrong with Symbian, other than peoples strange aversion to it?

Great marketing. It's actually pretty funny. How is the E7 disappointing? I'm buying it.

@dcdttu: WCDMA has nothing to do wil CDMA.

CDMA should roll over and die. It's already extinct in the rest of the world.

The comments shock me. The girl is hot, therefore I shall buy a Kindle.

@junyo: You still need to use a neck strap.

@redman042: Some argue that it is "small" and that justifies the high price. You still can't carry it in your pocket. Everyone who owns one still needs to either use a bag or neck strap. It's much better to just have a DSLR. If MicroFourThirds were to drop in price to about $300-$500, then I would see it as a true

@Markarian: Then aren't you better off with a G11?

MicroFourThirds... What a scam.

Carbon fiber is such a rip off. Everyone is putting a huge mark-up on it.

Android fanboys.... I will only buy Nokia. Android is a big mess at the moment. Mainly, software updates. As it matures I'll probably switch over from Symbian (or hopefully MeeGo). In-fact I am willing to switch over to the HTC Aria, if it would get a European release already.... Symbian is a very versatile and stable

The Zen is mine.

Ok, so the product is defective. Then don't buy it if you care. The program was for owners who didn't know about the problem. Now that it's widely known they don't need to give these out for free anymore. I still think they should fix the antenna though.

Clock speed isn't all that matters in a processor. The architecture is even more important. Think Intel versus AMD.