Today we’re doing something weird. We’ve asked a team of fashion experts to judge the outfits of video game…
Today we’re doing something weird. We’ve asked a team of fashion experts to judge the outfits of video game…
I’ve been waiting for a moment to use this
I still remember the infamous day I got Mew at an official Nintendo event.
What did you just say about my queens?!
Stored on some mainframe somewhere there is a very bitter and resentful Aki Ross, watching Lightning get everything she was promised.
Wouldn’t that be Videogame Vlogger Barbie?
So the game that game dev Barbie makes will be our ‘shop of the week, right?
Zoinks! 9000!! Thats like, no way it can be right maaan.
Rit’s Rover Rine Rousand Raggy!
An average-looking cute bunny rabbit, some plastic junk and almighty0404's superb modding skills.
its her cousin from the Jersey Shore.
This guy is a class act. Admitting mistakes, providing real answers and encouraging refunds. If only AAA developers worked this way. Can you imagine if EA pulled the latest Sim City because it was broken and encouraged refunds?
Seriously Cawthon gets all of my praise for this.
Here you go, Kotaku-style!
they didn’t need to, i googled, and the internet gave ... cannot be ... unseen T___T