Ye Olde Human

lol Samsung should pay me.

Yeah no shit.

Trump isn’t a melting ice sheet. Melting ice sheets are at least somewhat cool.

Don’t forget, it’s also something libtards want. Pulling out means libtards get really upset and cry liberal tears and snowflakecakes.

Most frustrating are all the moron Trump supporters who couldn’t tell you the first thing about the Paris Climate Agreement or how it works, besides Obama supported it, but are thrilled beyond belief by this move because it means “The US is no longer getting screwed by other countries”

Also I do like that hella casual global citizenship certificate right there. The UN kept it loose back in the day.

No, he wants to dismantle everything that happened under Obama. Good, Bad? He wants to erase the legacy of the Obama administration.

Here’s a horrifying thought. Is it possible that Trump pulled us out of the PARIS Accords because France’s leader Macron tried to out macho him when they met and shook hands last week and said so in public recently?

Yeah! I was going to edit this into my other post but I can’t? “edit: for what it’s worth I’m a straight dude who grew up on comics and loves super hero movies. I think this is one of the best. As far as blockbuster movies go, this is the perfect one for right now. The fact that it stars a woman and is directed by a

Tiger Woods’s life began spiraling out of control after his “cheating scandal” in 2009.

It was going to get up to it one way or the other. Now, we wait.

If i may be so bold to speak for the Government of Canada, any laid off researchers or companies looking to get out of America and to an enviro-friendly country, please come to Canada. We will accept you and your ideas with open arms.

My advice? Take the money and move to another more civilized country. This one is fucked.

I believe that those of us who have decided not to procreate should be allotted a climate credit, and tax reduction.

I put this one together just for all the dudes whining about this screening.

There’s too many good ones to choose from, lol.