I think this is proof positive that he will undo anything that has “Obama” attached to it. There is no fucking other reason why those programs would be discontinued. It’s disgusting.
I think this is proof positive that he will undo anything that has “Obama” attached to it. There is no fucking other reason why those programs would be discontinued. It’s disgusting.
I know a guy who burned his foot on one. Funny story.
That really confused the hell out of me. Of all the things she could focus on, this Warren-ted (HA!) a public response?
That’s really starting to piss me off. Trump is falling deeper and deeper down his own rabbit (ass)hole - “I miss my old life. I didn’t think it would be this hard” - but they (“they” being his cultists and colleagues) refuse to acknowledge any of it by trying to force a scandal with Obama...again.
So it was an ill eagle?
I’m surprised Nickelback hasn’t sued themselves into pennilessness.
“...how he sexualized the president’s daughter even more than her dad does,...”
He can’t even send one without putting himself in it, period.
“Almost 31" and “old” should not be in any way related to each other in a conversation. ;-)
“You have a list of things. I don’t have to read it.”
You’re probably right. But I feel like the second one may have been his response to his henchman tweeting the first.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt a more torrential flurry of disgust, hatred, and amusement until I read these tweets today:
“This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!!”
Whatever happened to just deploying Rambo?
As someone who has attempted suicide in the past, I’d much rather she made a choice than had it taken from her.