Ye Olde Human

I, personally, think it’s a desire for power and control nowadays. “Law enforcement” definitely means something very different today - also surprisingly easy to get into.  

I feel like that bit about “As a man,...I wouldn’t be happy about that statement,” was a kind of palette cleanser for him. It sounded, to me, like a clandestine insult.

Get Ted Koppel!

I don’t think he even knows how to pivot.

And if one is that worried about smell, just do a damn courtesy flush.

Abortion offends his god, but not rape?! This was a completely new angle for me, and my anger/confusion pendulum is going at full-speed now.

Two faces that will define his “presidency” are that one and this one:

The Phallicy of the GOP

Oooooohhhhh yesssssss. Your style is one that I am fond of.

Remember that scene in Breaking Bad when Walter watched Jane (Jesse’s girlfriend) start to choke on her own vomit and then did nothing?

I’m anticipating “oh c’mon, that’s not what he meant. He was using the phrase ‘political influence’ as a broad term for...the media said that. You said it, not us. That’s not what Manafort meant. Next question, Infowars.”

Yeah, I’m right there with you. The level of cognitive dissonance is astronomical and mind-blowing this time around.

That’s what I was thinking too.

According to my calculations, we’re eleventy-hundred days into this shit show.

I watched it for the first time back in 2008 when Netflix was just red envelopes in the mail. Casablanca was in my queue because I had always seen/heard comments about how great it was (my grandma loved it too), but I never really had an urge to see it myself. So the disc showed up one day, and I begrudgingly put the

And I can taste the judgment.

Blame that gooey thing in your skull. It is the root of all our evils.

(I absolutely love her and this entire show)