Ye Olde Human
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Here’s a wonderful look at Paul Ryan’s commitment to country over party! /s

Hope this gets the ball rolling.

What I find interesting is his wife agreed to this, but his dad is super pissed.

Disclaimer: I am using an opinion piece from the New York Times.

Doesn’t matter. My bone spurs are really acting up.

But some men actually do have swish and sass. Is it improper for an actor to portray a gay character with swish and sass? I’m genuinely asking your opinion on the matter because I absolutely love Cam and Mitch:


He’s a fucking con artist through and through. Has been his whole life. I can almost guarantee his arm was twisted so hard to stick to the damn script.

“What else do they want? Free pedicures?!”

I mean this as a compliment...

I feel like they’re just attempting to guarantee themselves a position in the regime press corps. They’ve been corrupted and want only to serve their leader(s), so they’ll gladly be one of Trump’s/Bannon’s Press Schutzstaffel (The PSS, if I may).

Trump is also Dwight Schrute?

I don’t know. Trump did just say (100% his words from the video clip) “they’re really very expert on it.”

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For anyone who would like a little ray of sunshine regarding presidents and the media, here is one president who really knew how to not whine about it:

Medically speaking, long-term brief-wearing can contribute to infertility. Also, a testicle can slip out and get pinched off by the brief from time-to-time.

In all honesty, given her track record, I’m wondering how accurate her statements are.