Here’s a wonderful look at Paul Ryan’s commitment to country over party! /s
Here’s a wonderful look at Paul Ryan’s commitment to country over party! /s
What I find interesting is his wife agreed to this, but his dad is super pissed.
Disclaimer: I am using an opinion piece from the New York Times.
Doesn’t matter. My bone spurs are really acting up.
He’s a fucking con artist through and through. Has been his whole life. I can almost guarantee his arm was twisted so hard to stick to the damn script.
“What else do they want? Free pedicures?!”
I mean this as a compliment...
I feel like they’re just attempting to guarantee themselves a position in the regime press corps. They’ve been corrupted and want only to serve their leader(s), so they’ll gladly be one of Trump’s/Bannon’s Press Schutzstaffel (The PSS, if I may).
I don’t know. Trump did just say (100% his words from the video clip) “they’re really very expert on it.”
For anyone who would like a little ray of sunshine regarding presidents and the media, here is one president who really knew how to not whine about it:
Medically speaking, long-term brief-wearing can contribute to infertility. Also, a testicle can slip out and get pinched off by the brief from time-to-time.
In all honesty, given her track record, I’m wondering how accurate her statements are.