Ye Olde Human

She says she’s “trans-black,” and very much compares it to transgender identity. Essentially, “I’ve felt black all my life, therefore I identify as black.” She also said race is a “social construct” and able to be “reconstructed or deconstructed.”

This is a serious question, and I’m not trying to be argumentative with it:

The dramatic pause and then repeat at a more dramatic, lower tone is what got me! :)

I’m not sure what’s best now,

Visual representation of Trump’s FBI:

Oh Hollylujah, that is just the loveliest thing I’ve seen so far today. Thank you. :)

Oh please tell me that’s on video!!! 😂

Rancid Penis?

Sounds like PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder)?

Jesus H! Every single person up there is absolutely stunning!

I really truly whole-heartedly do not understand. I don’t understand how the dissonance, blindness, hatred, and disgust is that strong with so many people. I don’t understand how they’ve been allowed to go this far in such a short amount of time. I don’t understand how they allowed themselves to murder their own

I’m sorry to do this, but it just got worse:

Keith Ellison responded to that stupid tweet:

“I’ll tell you this, I’m the least racist/anti-gay/anti-semitic person ever!”

I want ONE DAY without a CNN alert-

Dear Kyrie,

“She told Piers Morgan..”

I’m hoping for a von Stauffenberg reality-homage with a successful ending.

And safety features! Tremendous safety features! And the Gulf States will pay for them!

This, to me, seems like the biggest red herring in American politics (I’m not exactly well-versed, so I could be wrong).