I can’t approve of filing charges against a middle schooler for throwing a piece of wood at an armor-plated car. Even Trump’s. Next time, adults, just let the kid’s parents deal with him.
I can’t approve of filing charges against a middle schooler for throwing a piece of wood at an armor-plated car. Even Trump’s. Next time, adults, just let the kid’s parents deal with him.
Well, I am the greatest thing since buttered bread, but definitely not sliced bread. ;)
As a just-below-mediocre white man,
“there is still a wall between you and the show.”
Welp. Shit just got real, so we’ll now see how that little puppet and its masters will handle things:
I am ALL LEVELS of pissed at this entire situation. What kind of dumb fucker thinks it’s okay to discuss a NATIONAL SECURITY EVENT while FUCKING CIVILIANS all around are taking pictures and posting them to social media with detailed accounts of who’s running around in the middle of a NATIONAL SECURITY EVENT?!?!?!?!…
“We’re going to build a bridge! The best bridge, and China will pay for it, and get American jobs back into China! ONE AMERICA FIRST!”
In a sorta similar role as Spicer, she’s really great in The Heat with her and Sandra Bullock.
Daddy Don seems to think she’s alright after the “abuse.” And yes, having your product discontinued and reported on accurately by the news (even SNL) is “abuse.”
oh dear god. Do you have any context to this? Because it was in-between tweets about the great (translated into Reality English as “awkward as all hell”) talks with Abe and praise for Stephen Miller “representing me this morning...”
McKinnon’s Elizabeth Warren was absolutely wonderful though! That was the first time I’d seen her do Warren, so I’m not sure if that was new or not.