Ye Olde Human

In my opinion (and also what I believe was their intent) Force Awakens was a security blanket from my youth that I found in the attic recently. It’s just like I remember it, but feels slightly different due to age.

Re: Cubs rain delay

My immediate thought was this guy’s tantrum was planted to shape the narrative even more. I think the Trumps are that diabolical.

This movie is a huge deal.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with laughing in the face of despair and tragedy.

Jameis Winston anyone?

Or Amy Schumer is a white Margaret Cho? Cho’s been around much longer than Schumer.

I posted this link in another comment, but it also said this:

They did , but to some officials, much less so than the DNC.

Serious question: What makes Pete Carroll “shitbag of the year?”


And is this our future, now that we’re turning into a big plate of Putin Poutine? 

That’s some high-quality Brie right there. :)

I remember the first time I saw this movie. It was cute and fun and stuff....and then that scene I posted above happened, and she hit me hard. She’s wonderful.

Main reasons I watch Love Actually annually:

I’m 6'2". I survive every flight. That’s what standing and stretching is for.

Now playing

In the weird personal life of the Trumps in my head, I have Don the Elder talking like this to Junior Big Boy whenever there’s a tantrum thrown.

I feel like I’m watching House of Cards while on acid.