Ye Olde Human

Her “Ameri-centric” outfit has been redesigned as of late. Gal Gadot, (an Israeli woman) being the current representative of Wonder Woman without wearing the U.S. flag, is the best real person for the honorary position, in my opinion. But they chose to use only the “pin-up” looks.

I have this weird emotional tug-of-war going on with all of this:

I think Wall-E was onto something though:

I think Gary Johnson should crash the inauguration stage.

Now playing

Okay, before we go banning all christmas music, try these:

Tom Haverford treats his Roomba like all Roombas should be treated.


I don’t think anything will “take over.” The rest of the natural world knows how to properly maintain global homeostasis. There would be such hardcore peace on this planet, I’m contemplating a cryo-sleep investment.

We would probably be friends offline.

Me while watching the video:

I absolutely love the gentle gyrating and thrusting they do on each other while engaging in the most mundane small talk. I agree - they are movie perfection. I spend every christmas with them as well as Natalie, the foul-mouthed assistant, and the dancing Prime Minister.

Raves are so hot right now.

No slob! You’re the slob!

Is that a sock or a cankle?

This is what happens.

I judge the beard by the realness as well as the fullness.

I thought the “war” was Ronnie’s?

Is it just me or does he only vomit generic business/negotiating/PR terms with whatever proper noun he’s asked about? I have not seen one single actual specific policy measure from him. It constantly makes me think of Hillary politicking all over Trump’s face in the debates. It was so beautiful to watch.