Ye Olde Human

Absolutely not. I too am feeling that strange relief.

Would he let a man near him? I like Trans-Ams. But only with t-tops.

“The Wall?”

Bear in my mind, we only see the active sycophant. They could be the shittiest shithead when they think they’re the biggest star in the room.

I think this is largely a no-win situation. The real test for both parties comes when dealing with the personal blowback that can result from breaking up with someone (whether it be “ghosting,” texting, or face-to-face).

Is this where we are now? That happened fast.

This looks like a big plate of Camembert and Brie, and it is beautiful!

I don’t agree with any religion, but it’s also not my place to shit on any of their parades.

I’m unfamiliar with Catholicism’s mechanisms, so how does this work? Is the pope receiving that instruction directly from their god, or is the pope just a vessel for what he thinks their god’s word would be in regards to abortion?

Trick question! Neither one is the real muppet!


Two Trumps enter! One Trump leaves! Two Trumps enter! One Trump leaves!

I, personally, think a lot of people confuse lust/obsession with “love.” I’ve done it a number of times in my life. Some people are so desperate to not be single that it scrambles the brain when we find someone who likes us in return. Throwing “love” around willy-nilly is “normal,” and we get caught up in fantasies

Maybe this was just a way for Pence to secretly dip his toes into his personal, secret reality? Hiding in plain sight, and whatnot.

I’ve always dreamed of a “Kubrick Weekend” at a local IMAX theatre. I’ve never been able to see one of his films in full cinema glory. :(

The only update I’m aware of is Macy’s. They cut the cord last year.

Do you enjoy Barry Lyndon? I still have yet to watch it in its entirety with another person. I seem to be alone in my Barry Lyndon enjoyment.

No Popeye, Time Bandits, or Roxanne?

I was just corrected this morning. I was completely unaware that it’s pronounced “Jinjer.” I’ve never heard her name out loud.

True story: