Ye Olde Human

I feel like the Nobel Peace Prize is just becoming the “Oscars of the Humanities.” Wait, maybe it should so they’ll be forced to recognize more women?

I’d like “Galaxy Note Se7ened.” Because that was a pretty sick burn at the end of that movie.

It’s a really cute show. Minnie Driver is great, as is everyone else. As someone who used to have a good friend with cerebral palsy, it’s really nice to watch, and comfort food for my eyes. Great memories of that guy! His name was Jace.

Taylor Swift and Ben Affleck

Have you seen Speechless yet?

Your screenname was inspirational. Thank you. ;)

It’s absolutely baffeling how oblivious some can be to the importance of a “pussy.”

Or maybe it was all disgustingly intentional.

That’s what pisses me off so much. Trump has been so “bro” about his own offspring! “It’s okay, call her a great piece of ass. If she wasn’t my daughter (which is the grossest!)...”

Hey Donald. Don’t worry about ISIS just yet because we’re taking care of our own without their help.

They are ashamed! There was a mass exodus of Republican support over the last few days. But evading blame has been a political strong suit for many in office for years now.

I think when the phrase “Republican presidential nominee” is used to describe him, then yes, it should definitely be shocking. This disgusting pussy-grabber has vocally (and photographically) expressed his erection for his own daughter on multiple occasions, and he’s now on a presidential ballot.

You’re welcome. Best of luck to you and your cringing.

I couldn’t find any resolution, just multiple uses of “It happened too fast for anybody to get a license plate.” At least no one got hurt.

Full-grown man here!