Ye Olde Human

I was just talking about this last night. Most high-profile celebrities (Batman has made Affleck very high-profile now) are just brands. And that brand always has a marketing team behind it in order to make the brand as appealing as possible to as many people as possible at all times.

Ah yes. But then once that child is here? “Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, son! Get a job and support the women (the ones who are left because we didn’t want to give them adequate care for those births we made them go through)! We have more unborns to save (but remember, not the birthing machines, just the

You reminded me of this near-devastating thing that happened last year in Washington.

Ooh could you imagine the Newton’s Cradle between those two? I can.

Oh god, there’s so much to analyze in that photo.

So that’s what a pussy pass actually is!

This is all just an elaborate ruse so he can fulfill his actual dream of being on Dancing with the Stars. That’s what disgraced “celebrities” do now, right?

Claire Dunphy does that too.

I, ignorantly, recommended a Japanese actor without realizing Mulan needs a Chinese actor. Apologies.

I should’ve said “white American-centric.”

You are correct. I was so blinded by American-centric casting that I completely disregarded Asian geography.

That’s a great point. I was blinded by the potential whiteness that I completely ignored Asian geography. Thank you for pointing that out.

Tao Okamoto please.

Court-appointed rehab makes up a huge population of the facilities. I did get to see a lot of jokers futzing around in the short-term wing of my facility, and a lot of the time they’re assholes like this fella.

I’m sorry to read you had a shitty experience. I wish all facilities were as helpful as the one I went to.

I went to a rehab facility in Tennessee for a month. It was very difficult, emotionally, but it was pretty fun too. It’s okay to have some fun while you’re dealing with personal demons; it actually helps relieve a lot of the tension that comes with looking at yourself in the mirror. After a good jaunt, you can