Being told that we're "one of the good ones" really is like heroin to us white people (a lot of us anyway). Which makes it important to remember that the only measure we should go by is if we're actively working to make things more fair. Anything short of that, and the best that can be said of a white person is that…
There's dumb questions and then there's dumb questions that maybe aren't so dumb. Like I have learned that really good potato salad matters to a lot of blacks while we white people are fine with gas station potato salad … so what other foods take on more significance for one skin tone but not the other? Mayonnaise? …
Ask A White Person time! How about: a lot of the time they're primarily looking for affirmation that they're "one of the good ones". A lot of white people think racial injustice is terrible but would mostly like it to just go away, and the simplest way to make it go away would be for someone to tell them, "this…
I think "fucking-ay" is a variant of "fucking yeah" because "fucking yeah" sounds stupid.
… is …. is Bruce Jenner drenched in milk? Please let it be milk.
Jenner makes a LEAP of understanding!
Message 100% approved; would vote for you.
And Obama could beat Romney by no more than 5%, therefore Obama is maybe only 5% better than Romney.
I didn't say it explains all cases of everything.
When white people sit out an election, it's because they're spoiled little children who are butthurt that the system is giving them only 90% of what they want. When people of color sit out an election, many of them do so because they feel they're going to get screwed over no matter what, so it doesn't much matter. I…
I am still working through my outrage and contempt for Lefties who sat out 2010. I haven't even touched my supply from 2014 and 2016.
Or white folks who swear up and down that they would have been outspoken abolitionists. Uh, no, probably not.
The thing I noticed when I was very young was, pain is the most insubstantial, abstract thing in the world … until you're in it, and then suddenly it IS your world.
That's also pretty much my plan on how to survive a tornado. Nobody ever thinks to beat the crap out of the tornado.
I would have roundhouse-kicked the guns out of their hands, grabbed them mid-air, shot my way to freedom, then single-handedly cut a path through the enemy all the way back to base.
"I'll do the wrong thing today, but trust me, I'll do the right thing later!"
One interesting difference between us and every other animal, apparently, is the ability to anticipate what the other party knows. Like if I were to hide your bread in the linen closet (don't question why I'm rummaging around your house, just go with it), and you were making a sandwich and went directly to the linen…
America: where men are men and sheep are nervous.