King Beauregard

I miss Jerry too. The show works better with Jerry. He also serves as good B-story material.

A million is a hundred cubed. If you've got an ant who, sitting on his butt so he's upright, is roughly one hundredth of a human's size in all three directions, a million ants could do it.

Very astute that the show is ultimately finding meaning in life. And you know, I don't mind that Rick sabotages most of his own efforts to put meaning into his life, because if they ever solve that, the show ends.

Any "Community" is good "Community" as far as I'm concerned. But yeah, once you've done the character development you intended to, and the cast has been rearranged, it's hard to know what to do next.

"Community" saw its worst episodes in season 4, but also its smartest episode (the one with the Germans) was in season 4. For the record, they DO air "Hogan's Heroes" in Germany, but they call it "A Cage Full of Heroes", and the Nazi schemes tend to be lots sillier so it's outright farce (such as rockets to rain

Personally I think I am safe, but doesn't every deluded white person? I figure I best demonstrate respect by staying out of just the inner sanctum; there are multiple outer sancta for me.

I stay out of the Hangout because, well, I am a white guy, and I feel I should respect (semi-) private black spaces even if I have been invited (and I have, thanks Val, you rock!). A good host is accommodating, but a good guest tries to allow the hosts their own private space. It is the eternal battle.

Anyone else getting frustrated with the forums over at The Root?

"I've been working from home for years now, and the worst thing about it, imho, is that you never get to go home."

Advantages to working out of the home:

Yeah I get a little bit sick of the stupid dystopias, which is most of them. The people in "Logan's Run" don't put two and two together, and figure out that they're all going to get blown up when they hit 30? Really?

I'm 50. You act as if it's impossible for anyone to have been born in the 60s. What do you think this is, "Logan's Run"? You probably don't even get that reference.

#10 - I'm guessing it's something like this. White people have long been guaranteed the best food available, while blacks have had to make do with the leavings. So for blacks, learning to season was necessary to turn orts into feasts, and is a cultural point of pride.

"Why are you surprised in the slightest? Conservatism has been, for a while now, a movement solely intent on maligning and pissing off liberals. They don't care if it doesn't help them so long as it hurts democrats."

… I hadn't considered that angle. Thanks!

Sure is. I just can't figure out why the Twitter, of all things, would matter so much. To me it's like there's a murder-clown with chainsaws rampaging through the neighborhood, and the only objection some people can muster is that he's not wearing a hat.

No I am very socially awkward.

Okay, I'm still trying to figure out white conservatives, because they're apparently running an operating system very different from mine. And according to rural Wisconsin Trump voters, it's not a big problem that Trump is probably not going to help them in any way (though they do like that he's going after Others).

This doubles as a list of what a Trump staff meeting probably smells like.