Thanks! You are very kind and considerate, and I will see. Maybe the best balance is for me to spend most of my time on the articles, but not impose any absolute self-ban on visiting The Secret Tree Fort Of Secrets.
Thanks! You are very kind and considerate, and I will see. Maybe the best balance is for me to spend most of my time on the articles, but not impose any absolute self-ban on visiting The Secret Tree Fort Of Secrets.
I hope Han sees a doctor about his gout but am otherwise very glad you set this up. You rock!
Maybe, but Moffat's already done "A Christmas Carol" and he probably doesn't want to be too redundant. But the Doctor's current dilemma seems George Bailey-esque, looking to escape the trap his life has become because of taking care of the universe around him.
You sold out, maaaaaaaan. You've changed.
I've read, but am not in a position to prove, that an issue in the Colonies was that people would run off to join the Native Americans, who lived generally better and happier lives. It's probably super lookupable but I have chores to get done so I'm not going to find a link. tl/dr I suck
Here is my read on the article. The author wants to say the US installed a monster, either that or else the US allowed thoroughly questionable election results to stand. But he can't, so he's left implying that there was something dishonest about the result. That's the closest point at which the truth and his…
I don't trust any Salon links as a matter of course; I've spent enough time on Salon to know they are propagandists, not reporters. That said, I did visit this link, who, whatever else they are, at least they aren't Salon:
I stand by Hillary's solution being the best one for Honduras, since 1) it wasn't a military coup (the Honduran Supreme Court had President Zelaya arrested for violating an injunction they had issued), 2) Zelaya was no longer eligible for office per the Honduran Constitution so reinstatement was not an option,…
True story. Twenty-one years ago or so, early Alt Right types were trying to take over the Usenet newsgroup, and I was part of a troop of people trying to run them off. The white supremacists eventually won, which was a bummer, until someone pointed out: "after a long and pitched battle going weeks…
White are at a disadvantage, though. Black mood music:
White guy here, and I would literally rather kill myself than be that full of myself.
"He would then just embrace death IMO, but he's not like that. He's half completely sure the Universe needs him alive, half scared shitless of dying for good."
I don't think he does either, but that's got to be a daunting prospect. He knows what happened (even if he doesn't have immediate memories of it), and just knowing must be a burden.
I could see it in this case, that the Doctor is daunted by the prospect of an endless progression of difficult, conflict-laden lives. He already lived 4.5 billion years in this life (kind of), and maybe he's feeling like that's already more than enough.
And once again, we have a TV show pushing the stereotype that lesbians move in together before they even know each other.
Misplaced optimism? A misunderstanding of small town thinking? The fact that a great many terrible bigots are good at smiling to your face while they prepare to stab you in the back?
He's optimistic. How, I can't even imagine.
A Muslim doctor's experiences in a rural Minnesota town:
Yeah, Team Melanin definitely wins this round.