King Beauregard

Every Internet rivalry ever:

Wanna see the white trash equivalent?

Bah, you can't fool me, that's an "Earth, Wind & Fire" album cover.

100% on the money.

… I spent hours trying to come up with that. Affirm me! AFFIRM ME!

They found out they've all been sleeping with the same relative.

There is a value in flawed heroes, though it's way too easy to go overboard on the flaws, to the point where the flaws become what define them. Marvel Comics was/is a cautionary tale on the subject, where the heroes sometimes spend more time fighting each other than saving the world.

… maybe we won't even see lookalikes of all the previous Doctors. Maybe there will be, for example, a visit to the planet Peladon and we'll see that it turned into a really nice place to live thanks to the Doctor's efforts. Maybe there will be a statue of the Doctor in a museum on some world and a guide who will

Richard Harris, maybe, the first Dumbledore? He died a long time ago, but I'm wondering if it is a mix-up because of the "Harry Potter" connection they both have. Also, second Dumbledore has a "Doctor Who" connection, from that Christmas special with the snow and the flying shark.

Prediction: the title of the Christmas episode will be "It's a Wonderful Lives".

The most AWESOME kind of correct! Would you really not want to see more episodes of "Doctor Who" with Paul McGann? Dude deserves his due among viewers and not just the people who go into the extended universe.

Never seen 'em. :-)

The only part I really didn't like about Tennant's regeneration was yelling at Wilf. I feel like the same lines could have been delivered but with bemused resignation. Beyond that I didn't mind the Doctor being reluctant to get go of his life.

But Missy did remember some things, like to keep an extra dematerialization circuit on hand. I'm just saying they could bring Missy back if they wanted to. Personally I hope they do and she becomes the next Nardole.

There were times this season I felt the show was sort of rudderless, and I think maybe I was right, but only because Moffat was focusing on then end of the season, and holy hell did he deliver. If it took a middling episode or two to get this finale, it was entirely the right call. My thoughts:

You really think she wouldn't have expected it, or even remembered it? Super-easy death to write their way out of.

Another good article about fundamentalism and how they read the Bible:

Can I just say this? The lady in the photo is doing it wrong no matter what temperature the water is. Into the mouth fer chrissake!

Ah, see I was being a big dummy and imagining you discussing the best way to recover from a five-mile run in 90 degree weather. Don't go running in heat like that! They tried that at the 1904 Olympics and it did not go well:

If you're in danger of overheating and you are debating whether to drink hot water or cold water, maybe you should debate going inside where it's cooler. I get the feeling I'm missing the point.