King Beauregard

The concept I wish I could teach to young men is: women usually decide pretty quickly whether they're into you, so if she isn't initially interested, she won't be later either. Decide whether you can be fine being her friend, because you should assume that's all you'll be. (And you know, being a friend is not such a

"men are more socially atomized, so that your average dude in a bad situation can cruise along unnoticed for a longer period of time"

Remember, you can say "skullfuck", but you can't say "hë'll" or "pööp" (unless you use The Power Of Umlauts).

… not that anyone asked my opinion, but I suspect 90% of "nice guy" issues come from how every TV show, movie, and afterschool special encourages guys to persist until the girl comes to realize that the mopey guy-friend is really the man she wanted. If you publish a bad map, don't be shocked when people follow it and

You ever follow Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik?

"He's a complicated figure, he's supposed to be Paul Marane aka The Wandering Jew from Jewish folklore."

It occurs to me there's something we haven't really seen in "Fargo" that I'd like to sometime: a redemption arc. People sometimes turn to the police when they have no recourse (like Emmit did) but how about someone who realizes they were on the wrong path and tries to become better?

To me it means everything. There are no guarantees that good will triumph, but if you don't keep giving it your all, good CANNOT triumph. So you stay in the game and you keep fighting.

Lorne Malvo was flesh and blood, he just did a really good devil impression.

"What about the divine angle? We know that God's representative Paul Marrane let Wrench and Sango return to life, and helped them on their way, hoping they would choose a better path. Is it possible Varga, a demon of greed who precipitated the feud between the brothers, should have been the target for the righteous

Mis-tah Efffff!

Two possibilities:

Here's my take on it. Have you ever tried to use an automatic sensor and it didn't work at first, but then you tried a second or third time and it kicked in? Happens to all of us, but most of us don't make much of it. Last episode, Gloria admitted to feeling invisible, and I think the thing about electronics is

I was good with this. The ending wasn't the one I wanted, but I also put too much syrup on my pancakes, and honestly they'd be better if I toned down the sweetness. Chaos happens, you keep fighting it, there will be wins and there will be losses.

For me, it's not that I didn't realize I was GenX. It's that GenX suddenly means old.

Those are chocolate / oatmeal / peanut butter no-bake cookies, but I suppose Tootsie Rolls would work too. And I assure you the scoop was fresh.

Those are chocolate / oatmeal / peanut butter no-bake cookies, but I suppose Tootsie Rolls would work too. And I assure you the scoop was fresh.

Those are chocolate / oatmeal / peanut butter no-bake cookies, but I suppose Tootsie Rolls would work too. And I assure you the scoop was fresh.

I am using my old guy powers of being understanding of a young person trying to figure out how to approach a young person problem.

Two words: dude, you need cat pööp cookies. I made some for work the other year: