King Beauregard

Well said.

Now just imagine Varga spitting it into your mouth like a mama bird feeding its babies.

Could easily have been bought off by Varga.

I'm happy to believe that Gloria Burgle's problem with being detected by electronics was more about how she felt and less about the reality. Those automatic sensors fail me on occasion sometimes too, but then they work. If I were feeling there was not much reality to my reality, I might be tempted to make more of it

I still think there was a perfectly plausible explanation for the UFOs that the show should have pursued but didn't: the story of the Sioux Falls Massacre was based on eyewitness accounts, one of them being Kirsten Dunst's character, and she was nuts. Why'd she crash into Rye? "I was distracted by this UFO that

Videogames have not interested me since I turned 35 or so, I think. I'm not sure why. It might be because I spend all my time playing the PHP game ("type lines of code that will make the application do the thing you want") and "Frogger" is just weak compared to that.

Did he ever get his Grade 10? Oh wait, that's "Trailer Park Boys".

Is that a drink? I'm imagining a Zima with a crumpled up "you failed your GED" letter in it.

Definitely maturity. You could continue to get drunk, but you have more important priorities and are attending to them first. You are doing this right.

He could have phrased it so that it wasn't legal advice. In fact, what I just said wasn't even legal advice, because it didn't advise her what to do, just framed the options so as to favor one.

One of the cool kids at Hogwarts.

Oy yes, good point. If you have decided that you should be proud of achievements BY ANY MEANS, you are setting up the rules in your mind where others can abuse you for their own achievement. Crabs in a bucket.

They themselves have no deep, genuinely contented smiles to offer.

I can see that — yet one more thing on her mind when her mind was overtaxed.

The bitch of it is, Jimmy probably could have persuaded Irene to settle just by being straight with her. "If you wait, you might be able to get more money … but the settlement offer is very generous, you can have it now, and it also means your friends can have their money now."

… okay, THAT is the saddest thing I've seen all year.

A thought I posted way down thread, but it feels all epiphany-ish so I'm putting it up here. Angry white men live lives that do not lead to their own fulfillment — they don't allow for the possibility of being happy — and they get so angry at blacks, women, LGBTs, etc because they are living reminders of how

This becomes extremely relevant around 2:02:

Deeper still. Even if they lived in a country of nothing but white men, they'd still be angry and would need to find someone to scapegoat.