Dangit, here's the ad: https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
Dangit, here's the ad: https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
Behold this Union Carbide ad. At the time it expressed the good science can do, but these days it looks like the cover illustration on a supervillain's manifesto.
Remember the 70s? First we had the post-war tech boom where it seemed science could do no wrong. Then kids started being born with malformed fingers and DDT was killing our bald eagles, and pretty soon you get the 70s, with Kirlian photography and Bigfoots and pyramid power.
I think it goes much deeper than material wealth, though. I think the issue has something to do with humility, with being willing to allow other people some room in this world.
You seem to know a lot about history and I think you should talk about it frequently.
What, with names like "Hannity", "O'Reilly", and "Buchanan"? Nahhhhhhhh …
White guy here, and I don't get angry white men at all. (I will not claim to be "woke" or any such thing; I'm sure I've got blind spots obvious to everyone but me, and am insufferable in a lot of ways. All I'm saying is I don't share the anger and resentment that a lot of white guys have towards blacks, women,…
This really is an exceptional article.
Also, a paragraph that I think speaks to Bill Maher:
Here's an interesting article by a fella named John Dolan, and he touches upon this question except with the British vs. the Irish:
Do a little yoga, though. Do stretching exercises. Keep your flexibility. Once that goes there's no getting it back, so fight to keep it.
I'm 50 now, and believe me, I wouldn't go back to the 20s for anything. I'm not fond of aching first thing in the morning and I often miss my youthful endurance, but oh my goodness life overall is so much better now. I read people and situations so much better now that I might as well be psychic by 27-year-old-me…
My money's still on the British Empire for sheer size and longevity. I mean, the Spanish were colossal assholes there's no getting around it, but they peaked early and went into permanent decline.
People get Schrödinger's Cat entirely wrong anyway; the goal of the thought experiment was to demonstrate how difficult it is to reconcile quantum mechanics to the real world.
"Doctor Who" has always been, for my tastes, too supportive of the British Empire. Even when they're critical of the Empire the criticisms are pretty tepid, considering the British Empire caused more global misery than any other empire in history. Show me a place the British settled and I will show you a place where…
In the two old Pertwee stories where Alpha Centauri appears, there are also Ice Warriors whom Alpha Centauri trusts and respects. We in the audience assume that AC is your average naive ambassador, but it turns out the Ice Warriors in question are red herrings and are not the villains after all. If we want to read…
"1) Why?"
Bear in mind that prisons these days also impose costs on prisoners for luxuries. For example, Queen King Beauregard has a relative in federal prison, and we send him money for his commissary needs: besides phone calls, there are also snacks, aspirin (which I think should be free because pain relief), radios, and…
"But even in your ideal world, My objections would still stand.
Okay, fair points that 1) blacks are falsely convicted at suspiciously high rates, and 2) our prisons have been repurposed into cheap labor sources.