King Beauregard

Yeah, I really am the worst.

There is precious little hope in me, and anything that fans that tiny flicker of hope can move me to tears. Not that I'd ever admit it, of course.

Super tiny town, though, and not a place that you'd ever have grounds to visit. And my Slavic ancestors WERE the exploited labor (yeah they were white but they were also "dumb immigrants"). My point is, it's unlikely that any actual Chinese set foot in town, but the expression made it there.

To be sure it's real. There just could not have been that many Chinese railroad workers in the tiny Pennsylvania coal mining town my mom grew up in.

Nugent and Zimmerman, an abandoned campsite, a trunk full of weapons, and hallucinogens.

Guinea worms. I know Jimmy Carter is working very hard to wipe them all out before he dies, but surely we can make an exception for Ted Nugent.

Man, that receding tide. John Dolan talks about the same thing, I think, in this essay:

I get the feeling this episode was cathartic to the writers, who are living in a society where falsehoods seem to be winning and the truth is increasingly irrelevant. Same thing with this season of "Fargo", which seems to be all about how we have been going about our normal business while an insidious evil has snuck

Yeah but they're all lone nuts and not at all indicative of the culture they grew up under. And it's not even "terrorism" so much as "being good ol' boys with a rambunctious streak". Seriously, how DARE you hold them to your arbitrary standards of conduct??? You're trying to ruin their lives!!!11!!1!

Jesus. The only time I've seen a reporter act so aggrieved over nothing was on The Daily Show (skip to 3:39):

American Christianity was constructed to give safe harbor to racists. It's more or less its function.

How to shut down a TYT reporter:

It's unfamiliarity with the concept of RESPECT.

"I didn't mean anything by it" can be used to excuse many sins. I mean, it's a terrible and wholly inadequate defense, but if you're looking for reasons why you are not to be held accountable for using Phrases That Should Have Been Abandoned Long Ago, it's a versatile excuse.

BEANS!! I completely forgot, I have a bag of dehydrated refried beans that I should oughtta use up. Thanks!!

A lot of them feel justified in using it because their own intentions are pure, unlike all those racists. Except, if their intentions WERE as pure as they maintain, they'd actually factor in the opinions of blacks, and out of respect they would refrain.

"I'm not too crazy about defending this"

Good and evil are subjective, I suppose. But when a lot of churches are consistently on the wrong side of basic human rights, and seem to devote 100% of their concern (trolling) to the unborn, I say they're evil. They always have the option to do better.

True 'nuff. With most groups, though, there is a slur you can use against them, and that's an efficient educational tool. Like if an Italian felt he were entitled to use the word, you could say "how do you feel about 'Wop'?" and it quickly makes the point. But "generic" white Americans (especially white males),