Maybe it's not technically a slur, but it is definitely a swipe against blacks at some level.
Maybe it's not technically a slur, but it is definitely a swipe against blacks at some level.
Heh. I find absolutes rarely hold absolutely, and all the people saying that whites shouldn't ever say it got me thinking of exceptions. Discussing "Huckleberry Finn". If there is a killer robot whose shutdown word is that word. Well, those are the two exceptions I can think of.
Here's how he's Islamophobic: his argument is ultimately that being a good and true Muslim means being a terrible person and doing horrible things; any Muslim who doesn't do that stuff isn't being a true Muslim. Which is to say, there is no such thing as a good Muslim. The very most favorable interpretation of that…
I have to say, Larry Wilmore lost me when, in the wake of the Netroots Nation and Seattle clashes between Sanders and BLM, Wilmore scolded BLM for speaking out-of-turn because "black manners matter too". Maybe I shouldn't have an opinion here at all (I'm white), but if BLM's "manners" were at all short, it just might…
Today's the first time I tried making pork sausage, and sweet baby Jesus it's a game-changer. Sausage has been my favorite thing since I was a kid, but most sausage is greasy and terrible for you. Kind of expensive too. Well as of today I have learned that I can get ground pork that is 2g protein for every 1g fat…
Churches in America, at least, have been repurposed to support and endorse oppression on behalf of the powerful: oppression of blacks, women, and LGBTs among others, while encouraging the sort of greed that Jesus Himself declared would get a person sent to Hëll. It's not a stretch to say that many churches are…
Respect is the issue. Maher is the sort of person who says, "well I didn't mean any harm therefore it's okay for me to use the word, and how dare you tell me otherwise". To me, it's a matter of simple respect: a lot of people would find it offensive if I used the term (I'm white), and that is all the reason I need…
Gluten makes me laugh, or rather the attitude towards it. People (generally white people) want to make like it's poison, and I suppose it is for sufferers of celiac; but the rest of the gluten-free crowd need to feel like they're special enough to have special dietary needs, so they've decided that they're sensitive…
I don't think she had any particular feelings about the Chinese; it's presumably just one of those things people said when she was growing up.
My folks were real careful to teach me that slurs against blacks are wrong; however, there was the time when my mom was talking to my sister's first grade teach Mrs. Chong, and said something about how my sister "didn't have a Chinaman's chance" against some bullies in the class. ::facepalm::
Progressives peeve me maximally. Even the term "progressive" caught on because Rush Limbaugh was successful at demonizing the term "liberal". When you change your name because the mean radio man said nasty things, you're probably not going to be the ones to usher in a new golden age of mankind.
Not directly related, but it's in the same ballpark: Maher doesn't think he has an axe to grind against Muslims, but remember the 14-year-old Muslim kid who disassembled a clock? Maher was out there, longer than most people, arguing that the authorities were right to give this kid needless sht just because.
"White people’s unfamiliarity with the concept of “No.”"
That's pretty much all I heard from Sanders supporters in the immediate aftermath. It became a big phenomenon discussed at length:
Thank you for illustrating my point. BLM has more legitimate grievances than Sanders' white audiences ever will, and even so neither Sanders nor his fan base gave a damn about them. The attitude of the Sanders base was "you need to take your bullets like good negroes while we white people talk about issues that…
Trying to process Damon's point about MJ and LBJ, i had to filter it through my nerd-centers, and this is what I came up with: Dïck Grayson and Bruce Wayne.
SNL, MIchael Jordan, and the history of the Harlem Globetrotters:
Michael Jordan and Senator Al Franken:
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