I chuckled as soon as they said "Rick Malverne", for a couple reasons.
I chuckled as soon as they said "Rick Malverne", for a couple reasons.
The thing that sold me on season one was that the characters were always trying to do the right thing — not the thing that solves the problem, but the right thing, even if it made their lives harder. Kara made a direct effort to bring out the best in other people too. We have seen so little of that this season.
And never explained it either. A better writing team would make it a plot point going forward. This writing team won't.
The times we HAVE seen Kara capture people, she uses least necessary force. So I call BS on her breaking arms all the time. Additionally, isn't it completely out of character for Kara to break someone's arm when she has other alternatives?
Oh, right, about Winn! This was one of my favorite Winn appearances, because he was still Winn while being professional. Usually they have him playing air guitar during meetings (or something similar) and it doesn't strike me as charming so much as, "get this idiot out of the room and let's find someone who's…
Remember season one when the theme was "Stronger Together"? This episode could have played out differently if the characters had remembered to do that, or at least if this episode's running thing was, "we need to remember to work together ESPECIALLY when we're scared".
This is the first time it's been mentioned that Supergirl has a collateral damage problem, so I've assumed all this time that she has used a reasonable degree of restraint. In fact I'm going to call BS on Maggie here; I sez Maggie is lying.
"I would love a flashback where Kara references Rao in front of Lena"
The CW has not been a good influence on this show. I swear first season "Supergirl" would not have so many people passing the idiot ball to one another, for example:
Jesse P the Science B — Jesse, Badger, and Skinny Pete demonstrate scientific principles (at the end demo, Jesse says "Science, bitch!"). They have occasional guests like nerdy Walter White, mineralogist Hank Schrader, the fearsome Heisenberg, and an ever-helpful Gus Fring.
Fair enough. But nevertheless, Chuck wanted the full confession about everything, didn't he? More than anything, Chuck wants Jimmy to confess about Mesa Verde.
Proposing in front of a crowd is a dirty, coercive trick. Imagine what he'd do after they were married.
I've had my doubts about Warren ever since she spoke out against the TPP before she'd ever read it — it showed every sign of pandering to the (predominantly) white economically-progressive wing, who are as often as not walking garbage. This pretty much cements it in my mind.
I'm pretty sure it would have to be about Mesa Verde, because the B&E would be of little direct interest to the Bar (i.e. it doesn't reflect on Jimmy as a lawyer).
Until you're about 30, your brain is still developing, and you are guaranteed to make bonehead decisions left and right. You're doing your best, but you're working with as-yet-incomplete brain meats.
Paladin was in the Union Army in the Civil War, was honorably discharged, and didn't quite know what to do with himself. His wealthy (unnamed) family paid him a stipend just to stay away, so probably he was something of an embarrassment. He tried the high life, he tried the low life, he tried gambling … and that led…
I don't know, I used to play "Donkey Kong" a lot and now I can't pass a construction site without running along the girders and hitting things with a big wooden mallet.
Paladin's secret origin linked to above. WATCH IT.
PALADIN'S SECRET ORIGIN!!! My favorite episode, with Richard Boone in a dual role: