Oooh, what kind of electronics? Resistors and capacitors, transistors, op amps, assembling computers?
Oooh, what kind of electronics? Resistors and capacitors, transistors, op amps, assembling computers?
And we probably have the EPA, of all agencies, to thank for bringing the crime rate down. You know, the same EPA that Trump wants to gut.
Personally I was happy to see Gus Fring make his entrance, as only he can — an absolutely flawless pretense of work-a-day helpfulness. I would so totally buy drugs and chicken from him.
Gotta say it (like I do every week), I'm convinced that Chuck's electrical disease is his subconscious guilt for being too sleazy (and even — gasp — Jimmy-like) to be practicing law. Chuck loves and respects the law, but because of the unscrupulous methods he used to block Jimmy's career, he knows he is not worthy to…
I blame the "X-Men" movies and the "X-Men" cartoon that preceded them, which held that the bald guy in the wheelchair is "Professor ecks-AY-vee-er". Prior to that noise, it was common to pronounce "Xavier" as "Zay-vee-er"; that's not a universally correct pronunciation but it's got at least some historical acceptance…
That seems to be pretty well confirmed, and I am apparently three handshakes away from him (my sister's friend works with him (probably "worked", I imagine HR might have words with him in the near future)). Some info about his workplace:
The gun nut fantasy is that a bad guy will show up and the nut will outdraw him.
Because the ready availability of guns makes white people feel safer.
Here's hoping we stop trying to explain away mass murders, and address the fact that the availability of guns makes the mass murderers vastly more possible.
"Oh sure, it's a Saxon fertility holiday celebrating the goddess Eostre / Ostara. Her great symbols were the rabbit, the lily, and the egg, so you can expect to see a lot of them."
Good episode, I'm satisfied that Bill belongs on the TARDIS, and of course I can't get enough of Capaldi. Matt Lucas is working out nicely too and I'd be happy to have him stick around for a long time.
That's not why I say you're a terrorist sympathizer. I say you're a terrorist sympathizer because 1) you insist that they all must be civilians unless we collect Taliban-issued photo IDs from them and 2) you are completely indifferent to the deaths that the Taliban causes when left unchecked … and those are…
"because the scenario you supplied was absurd in the first place"
Hey, you're the one who walked into this assuming that your twitter-based image of things is categorically Correct, without ever once trying to look into the numbers. And now that you've seen the numbers you're declaring them a lie. What numbers WOULD you trust? Wait, I'll answer that for you: the only numbers you…
"So heavy bias on towards labeling people combatants"
"Thats how crazy it is over there"
Well fortunately the site I've linked to doesn't just repeat official figures, but instead turns to the international media for who was killed and how to classify them.
I too am skeptical of military solutions. Where I differ from the Lefties I criticize is that I am open to persuasion, or at least the possibility that there are situations with no really good solutions and military approaches may be some of the least-bad. For example, the Taliban in Pakistan … even without…
Q: How many Libertarians does it take to stop a Panzer division?
And Obama was into bombing things too. Except of course, Obama actually went to a lot of trouble to keep civilians out of the crosshairs, despite what the Left will tell you. He didn't always succeed, but overall he did; see link for statistics. (To hear the Left tell it, Obama was a raving madman who delighted in…