King Beauregard

The cold dead eyes of a shark. He nails it, though; darn fine performance.

So sorry.

Pam remains the best character and it's a shame we didn't get more of her. But this episode was chock full of Tunty goodness and I can appreciate that too.

Also, it's easy to lose sight of, but Rose McIver and Robert Buckley are DAMN fine actors. I can't think of a single time Rose couldn't come across convincingly under whichever zombie brain, and apparently Robert Buckley is just as gifted. They make it look easy, which is the mark of a really good actor.

This season has been very good for Clive; he's zoomed up to my favorite character on the show, where previously he ranked only slightly above Ravi.

Bah, this is just a clip from "Hunter and Prey", a show where an undercover detective and a deer solve crimes together. (In this scene a sniper was just about to shoot Detective Rapper.)

Cat chilling out in a hot tub. "Of course there's no water in here, what sort of idiot would sit in water?"

And the implied corollary, that once a conversation shifts from its original point (e.g. which of the Monkees was the best musician?) to the point where the Hitler accusations are flying, the conversation is done whether or not the participants know it.

Job goes in, job goes out. Never a miscommunication.

Winston Churchill advocated gassing the Kurds when they got too big for their britches. Winston was into gassing the Kurds before it was cool.

"Zyklon lounges"

I think it's sufficient that he believes the law is sacred — his own word if memory serves — and yet he was willing to unscrupulously block Jimmy's career. His electrical disease is, I think, his brain's solution to his wanting to practice law despite being unworthy of it: being too sick to practice law breaks the

Links or it didn't happen.

Small point, Butkowski doesn't claim to be Irish, unless maybe he's from the legendary Butkowski clan in Ulster. He's just a white dude being a shïtty white dude.

Funny, I'm largely Irish and none of our family tales involve slave ships.

My take is, she cannot ever feel comfortable with her work on Mesa Verde (because she knows it was tainted through no fault of her own), and the fine-tuning is her trying to make it feel right, but it will never feel right.

I still say that Chuck's electrical disease is a Lady MacBeth bloody hands deal. Chuck has said that he considers the law "sacred", but using his power to keep Jimmy from advancing was, at the very least, a violation of the principles Chuck claims to hold so sacred. Two ways it could go from there:

Perhaps an anecdote from my childhood is worth relating. At the end of the first week of second grade, the teacher let the class vote: do we want Neapolitan ice cream, or do we want to be äss-räped by clowns? Well, a lot of kids voted for the clowns because clowns, but almost as many of us voted for ice cream. But

We absolutely DO need to continue to blame the people who didn't vote, or who cast votes for joke candidates like "Pinkie Pie" or "Jill Stein". Those are the people who, election after election after election, make absolutely sure that monsters get into office.