King Beauregard

"This is also why, and the more I think, correctly so, comedians, especially when they are being criticized on the grounds of their material being offensive, read it not as a form of criticism but more so an attempt (passive and sometimes direct) at censorship…"

There's jokes and then there's winning over a crowd. A comedian can get a lot of mileage out of saying, "can we agree that those people are ludicrious, the way they go eh-eh-eh-eh instead of doop-doop-doop-doop?" That's pretty much how all "conservative" humor works, usually variations of "Michael Moore is fat" or

"Misspelled anointed. Hard to take seriously."

The ode to Scott was pretty good too:

Think of this way. Reframing the animosity as "you know what? everyone just needs to chill and everything would be fine" is a slap in the face to those who have suffered and/or died from overaggressive police. Those people are out there protesting in response to genuine injustices, and this commercial seeks to

Jumping spiders are the best, they have big cartoon eyes that make them relatable. Some of them even want you to think they're kitties:

Damon's got a heck of a way with words.

For those of you who were taught to try to look for good things to say to people …

Here's every article about Trump voters all condensed into one:

Republican voters, who think their owner (the Republican Party) is on their side.

It's not a perfect analogy, but then again no analogy is. The "generally treat it well" has to do with how Republicans at least carry themselves as the champions of white America (whereas all those strangers out there, they hate dogs and want to take all the kibble money and spend it on cat toys). One other thing my

Allow me to liken these people to a dog — that's an unfair comparison, but fortunately dogs will forgive me. Anyway, you have a dog, and you generally treat it well, so it trusts you not to hurt it. It even allows you to train it to be hostile to strangers. But then you start beating the dog for no reason every so

Well that's crazy adorable!

How could anyone not love No-Face? The mind wobbles.

Well do check out Team Four Star's parody dubs of DBZ, they're much better than the originals.

It's a ghost from a charming anime movie, "Spirited Away". No-Face doesn't speak and is something of a black hole — ravenous appetite, there seems to be something missing — but he can be soothed through kindness and finding a place where he fits in.

I want to make a No-Face and put it up by the local train tracks.

"White People Ghost Dance".