That makes you better than most Twitter users.
That makes you better than most Twitter users.
That town needs an all-black fire department. And if one can't be found, then can we allow blackface in that one targeted circumstance?
Just a small fine-tuning on Damon's point: the Republicans' core pledge is, whatever else they do, at least they'll make sure that people who "aren't real Americans" don't prosper at the expense of "real Americans"; and that can be a matter of directly attacking the former, or simply foiling efforts (usually by the…
"Although I appreciate the additional information, your comment addressed absolutely nothing in my previous comment. Lol."
"Although I appreciate the additional information, your comment addressed absolutely nothing in my previous comment. Lol."
I vet myself pretty hard long before I give anyone else the chance, in almost all matters. That means I know where I stand. If I've got a weak argument I'll either improve it before releasing it, acknowledge the weaknesses up-front, or just keep my fool mouth shut.
Oh thank you master!
Of late I've thought to say "you've got more chromosomes than you know what to do with", but I haven't found a proper situation or a proper wording for it. But I got it lined up.
I commend your rage. :-) The trick is to come up with insults that reduce the other person to a glowing fog of atoms. My two favorites ever:
I argue on line, a lot, and I try to check my arguments for weaknesses before deploying them. When someone can actually find a flaw in one of my arguments, I'm usually impressed rather than angry, and I am inclined to listen. (Example, if I try to rebut Mortal Man, odds are he knows five times as much as I do, so I…
People don't even understand what an ad hominem is: it's attacking irrelevant traits of the speaker rather than the merits of what he's saying. If I say someone is stupid because their arguments are stupid (and I demonstrate why their arguments are stupid), that's not an ad hominem. If I say someone's experience is…
I hoped you would like it! Not necessarily you specifically, though I'm pleased with that outcome. (I post a lot of videos here, it's 50% to illustrate whatever point, but also 50% in case what I said was dumb and at least you get a video out of it.)
The Internet has taught people they can't possibly be wrong, because they can always find someone to supply them with the facts they're looking for. So criticism can exist only because other people are meanies, not because they might have different but perfectly valid perspectives.
I can hold grudges for decades or let them go. The trick for me is to have an interactive mental model of my anger, where I can set a base "idle" level, but then amplify it at will.
Native Americans too … their experience is a different flavor of shïtty, but shïtty all the same. (I certainly have no interest in provoking a "who had it worse?" debate, because BOTH had it indefensibly bad, and still do.)
The Irish can lay claim to a few decades of bad treatment, but it was nowhere near as bad as what blacks had to endure, and it wasn't long before they were annexed into White America, no Civil Rights Act or other legislation required.
We have Otto Binder's transfer from Fawcett to DC to blame for many of the similarities — Jimmy Olsen took over the Mr. Tawny role, and also the Mr. Tawny look.
Makes sense — first he can see farther than humans, then he is so good at seeing that he can see THROUGH things. Then he gets so good at blowing on a forkful of spaghetti that his breath can form ice.
I'm trying to back it up about Captain Marvel flying first, and I confess I'm having trouble. I found a scan of a page from "Whiz Comics #2" (first appearance) where CM is definitely leaping in a situation where flying would be a better option, which suggests he couldn't quite fly yet. On the other hand, since…
Look after the kids of friends or relatives or neighbors sometimes. Do it often enough that you feel relieved when they go home.