
Jesus Christ, where does he get these people? What’s the vetting process? Does he get in a room with them and asks “How shitty a person are you?” and they answer “I’m truly awful” and he goes “You’re hired!”

Horniest team? The Swiss, you idiot.

I’m so happy that someone is pointing out the gaping, tarpit-size plot holes in this movie to be the rebuttal in this debate. Couple that approach with a killer closing line, and this may as well be my face:

But there’s no way Manziel can deliver a bomb.

No surprise. If he was a real Carpenter, he would have measured twice before that.

Of course he was pissed off. Look at that stupid arrow floating above his head. I don’t blame him.

They’re moving him to the defenestrative line.

All other factors put aside, this girl should dump her boyfriend yesterday. If you can stand and take off your helmet, you can stagger, crawl or drag your ass back to where you girlfriend is laying in a ditch and check on her. Unless you start moving towards her and limbs start falling off, you have zero excuse for

Based on the spacing of the phone poles the filming rider spent a lot of time at better than 100 feet per second; over 70 miles per hour, possibly up to 150 feet per second or over 100 mph.

This has to be one of the Browns-iest plays ever, and one that is finally in their favor. Forget the Buttfumble, we now have the Taintball!

I hope Sparty wins huge. AF is one dirty team.

sounds like....DEATH PANELS!

As a man, if you text me anything emotional and then follow it up with “you dont have to respond” im going to take that as manipulation to get me to respond, because of course you want a response.....thats the point of communication. I probably will now not respond just to piss you off, regardless of what i think.


They say that Deez Nuts is an Independent, but in my experience he has always leaned more to the left.

There’s too much logic. Make it stop or I’m telling Stassa.

Feel Frito disagree, but Chip has certainly Ruffled some feathers. He should probably Lay off, or his players production is going to Dip.

Like I’m going to wash my hands after lowering a seat lid ain’t no one got time for that. I could shove it down with my elbow but then I’d have to wash my hands up to my elbows. I could use my foot but then I’d fall down and go into premature labor and our baby will be special needs. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT

You are incorrect. You have the best understanding of the NFL’s possession rules I’ve ever read.