Kar Wai Wong

I like the idea of doing the Bachelorette, but with picking a car. So the contestant is trying to pick a car, and she starts the show with 20 cars, each represented by a “bachelor” who is the most obnoxious fanboy of that car imaginable. And each of them take her on activities trying to show her that their car is

Since the manual Optima only came with the cheap plastic steering wheel, I bought the custom cover from Ebay and stitched it myself. 35$ made the car feel like 5k more

It does have a bar to protect the occupants’ heads, and I’m sure the A-pillar/windshield frame is a roll-bar too.

A bit of Context here. In earlier times, us Germans used the word “Großraumlimousine” (which literally translates to Large Space Limousine) to refer to Minivans, before anglicisms such as “Van” became more common (In other news, in the german language Limousine refers to a Sedan). The V-Class line meanwhile is split

Dat Mazda Cosmos tho. If the Audi S8 with the V10 was a maintenance nightmare, how about a Mazda Cosmos busting through the door Jack Nicholson style yelling “HERE’S WANKEL!”

Drove my ‘99 2-door Cherokee SE today, actually. 2-door is best.

Yup, just look at that base-level POS:

Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way. Here the other cars that these two look EXACTLY like. Cuz 4 wheels and windows. 

I take my Range Rover Sport Supercharged onto trails and into deep sand with some regularity. That’s why I bought it - to have something extremely capable that’s also still a blast to drive on the road. There’s literally nothing else on the market that’s as well rounded.


David’s neighbors-

Chris and Derek pushed the giant SUV down the ramps and into my swampy backyard, where it now sits

Oh come on, I don’t want e-tronFORUM.COM on my doors and hood in that shitty font. NO SALE.

I’ll see you your Speedster and raise you my Spitfire.

I know this may be paranoid, but I will NOT be using my face to log in to websites any time soon.

Prolonged use of VR can already make you vomit. Now you’re going to make me stare at an Ecosport for long periods of time?

They should really consider doing this in the US, but with beer.


Ah, mid-engine I see.