Kar Wai Wong

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Maybe it’s because of the crossover domination, putting in jeopardy every other car segment, but recently I’ve been thankful for the option of consumer choice, instead of being forced into one thing or another. So what the sedans look a bit frumpy? 2 choices are better than one.

It has a third row?


Oh right, you wanted someone with talent...


So what about Aygos and 107s? Are they just not allowed?

Like how it’s already mentioned in the article...

Yeah that D-Pillar really sets a nice contrast to the rest of the car. Reminds me of one of the all time greats of 2 tone paint jobs.

I wonder what other body-in-white’s there are, languishing in a storage facility somewhere? The possibilities.....

Maybe some of y’all should read the article?

Hey, Guess what they’re trading it in for?

Three abreast seating? *smacks lips* 

Seriously, did Honda not have any better names?

But with a lift kit.


To be fair hidden rear door handles are a Nissan SUV design staple. Well I guess they’ve abandoned that as everyone else was copying them.

DUDE. I was seriously going bonkers for a couple seconds over the fact there was going to be a Supervan 4, than I find out it’s a glorified article for new options on a van! Not cool!

I’ll also never forget the killer truck pods from Logan, and there’s nothing Volvo or anyone else can do about that.

You know the Cascada came out 3 years before the Avista was unveiled?