Kar Wai Wong

*cough* *cough* *shameless plug* *cough*

Take your pick. Do you go to to LHD Europe and get basically a stripped down 2017 G-Class?

I love the G-Wagen. I love the G-Class. I don’t love their ahem target demographic. One could say hate. But without them the would probably have been discontinued 20 years ago. And I’m grateful that they have good taste in boxy SUV’s to an extent, (credibility is lost for 99% of modified G-Classes). Good car imo, bad

Using my newfound ability to predict the future, I can see that Lancia will make a global comeback with a 6 new models by 2020, Chevrolet announces a new El Camino, and Nissan announces they’ve been secretly building the production version of the IDX for the last 5 years and the cancellation was a front for extra

Now that I think about it, I can’t remember the last time a Fancy Kristen article has been posted. I’ve looked it up, and she’s only posted TWICE this entire year!

Well we’ve got to sharpie some fake concept headlights onto our car! Otherwise no one will recognise the styling as ein Volkswagen!

That’s because the C-Max isn’t an SUV.

That’s the 6th gen.

Hell, there was once a two-door Suburban.

My peanut brain cannot compute such scientifi-BBBBRRRRRRRR

Standard prototype camouflage procedure.

Like this, but the opposite?

Kinja scrolling hell?

Shame it looks like it will be ditching the awesome fuel door.

Seriously, I swore I was looking at set photos from the movie for a second.

It looks like when Neo gets his mouth closed up in The Matrix.

Mercedes flexed with a giant green S-Class

Erm, just saying, why not this?

Like the Holden Crewman?

I think they’re fine