
I was really excited that Dave Barry was mentioned on TV.

I was really excited that Dave Barry was mentioned on TV.

Glad I'm not the only one mildly outraged.

Glad I'm not the only one mildly outraged.

You would have thought they'd at least let Kinickie keep his one song…

You would have thought they'd at least let Kinickie keep his one song…

It really annoyed me. The actress playing Rizzo for that scene isn't nearly sarcastic or bitter enough to pull the song through effectively.

It really annoyed me. The actress playing Rizzo for that scene isn't nearly sarcastic or bitter enough to pull the song through effectively.

This fact just possibly made my night?

This fact just possibly made my night?

Yeah, this is about what I expected.

Yeah, this is about what I expected.

@Rocketpilot:disqus I agree that Mawdryn would have worked better with Ian, because honestly, can you see the Brig putting up with all those boarding school brats?

@Rocketpilot:disqus I agree that Mawdryn would have worked better with Ian, because honestly, can you see the Brig putting up with all those boarding school brats?

I agree with this, but I also wish New Who would take a couple more breathers from time to time. This might be a particular problem of the Moffat era.

I agree with this, but I also wish New Who would take a couple more breathers from time to time. This might be a particular problem of the Moffat era.

I've always understood the complaints lodged against the serial (and if you want to see a terrific tearing down of the action by the actors themselves, watch the commentary - it's HILARIOUS) but I still really enjoy these episodes. I like that the characters are kind of used to the idea that it's always aliens and

I've always understood the complaints lodged against the serial (and if you want to see a terrific tearing down of the action by the actors themselves, watch the commentary - it's HILARIOUS) but I still really enjoy these episodes. I like that the characters are kind of used to the idea that it's always aliens and

Kind of makes sense though, I guess, when you have as much faith in humanity as Five does.

Kind of makes sense though, I guess, when you have as much faith in humanity as Five does.